As the Genocide Continues, So Too, Do the Demonstrators on Gadigal: 16th Sydney Rally in Pics

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Free Palestine

For 16 weeks in a row now, pro-Palestinian demonstrators have rallied in Sydney’s Hyde Park and then poured out onto the streets to create a procession winding back blocks.

Indeed, these numbers are extraordinary, but then so too is the death toll in Gaza, coming up on 26,000 Palestinians.

The 28 January rally came just two days after the International Court of Justice found the South African genocide case against Israel is plausible and it, therefore, ordered the Netanyahu government to put an end to acts that appear to be genocidal and report back next month.

Yet, the people continue to rally because the wholesale massacre is not over, and the Palestinian people are not free.

Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu has dismissed the ICJ order, with the United States, Canada and the United Kingdom all fumbling over one another to register their support for the genocidal regime first in its aftermath.

For its part, the Albanese government, whilst feeling too inadequate to weigh in on the ICJ finding that genocide is likely occurring, it was one of the few governments to immediately cut aid to Gaza this week, after some UNRWA employees were alleged to have partaken in the 7 October attacks.

“Our aunts, our uncles, our grandparents tell us, this is the worst we have ever seen in Palestine. This is not something we have ever seen before in the modern world,” Dr Sarah told the crowd.

“As a Palestinian Australian-born specialist I speak to you. As a mother, I speak to you. As a daughter I speak to you.”

“How? How have we seen the most horrific targeting of healthcare workers never seen before. Over 400 healthcare workers have been murdered in Gaza,” the Palestinian specialist continued. “Not to mention how many have been abducted.”

“Where is the outrage? Where is the calling out?”

Sydney Criminal Lawyers was on the ground to capture the great outpouring at the Palestine Action Group rally.

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Paul Gregoire

Paul Gregoire is a Sydney-based journalist and writer. He's the winner of the 2021 NSW Council for Civil Liberties Award For Excellence In Civil Liberties Journalism. Prior to Sydney Criminal Lawyers®, Paul wrote for VICE and was the news editor at Sydney’s City Hub.

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