Fraud Offences in Australia
The term fraud generally refers to conduct whereby a person or company gains a benefit for themselves or causes a detriment to another person or company through conduct that is dishonest and/or deceptive. In the context of the Australian criminal...
Is There a Difference Between White Collar Crime and Corporate Crime?
The terms white collar crime and corporate crime are often used interchangeably and there are situations where a single act can fall into both categories, as well as offences that can be classed as both white collar and corporate crimes....
Robodebt Commission Recommends Criminal Charges Against Those Responsible
Robodebt was a scheme engineered and implemented by senior federal politicians and bureaucrats to illegally extort money from thousands of the most vulnerable members of our society, leading many into depression and driving some to suicide. In 2019, the Federal...
Royal Commission into Robodebt: Too Little, Too Late for Many Australians
Blame shifting, vague responses and unreliable memories have characterised the Royal Commission into the Federal Government’s Robodebt scheme which operated between 2015 and 2019, illegally extorting $750 million from 380,000 social security recipients, leading several to take their own lives...
ATO Lets Down Hardworking Aussies
A report from the National Audit Office (NAO) has revealed that the Australian Taxation Office (AT)) has failed to collect billions in unpaid superannuation at significant cost to workers, while their bosses break the law and big corporates pay little...
Paltry ‘JobSeeker Raise’ Will Not Increase Employment or Help the Economy
Earlier this week, Prime Minister Scott Morrison did what many Australians have been wanting him to do for some time - announce a permanent raise in the rate for the JobSeeker allowance. The bad news is that Jobseeker (formerly Newstart,...
Robodebt Class Action is Coming
Centrelink will be contacting hundreds of thousands of Australians in the coming weeks to notify them that they could be part of a Robodebt class action lawsuit against the federal government. About 13,000 people have already signed up to the...
Calls for Social Security Payments to be Permanently Increased
Sadly, for Australians living on the meagre $280 per week that was Newstart (recently rebranded to Job-seeker), it took a global pandemic for the Federal Government to implement a much-needed increase in the weekly payment. But it doesn’t look like...
What are the Mental Elements for Criminal Code Act Offences?
There are hundreds of Commonwealth Acts which contain criminal offences, perhaps the most notable of which is the Criminal Code Act 1995 (‘the Act’) - the stated purpose of which is ‘to codify the general principles of criminal responsibility under...
Centrelink’s Flawed Robo-Debt System is Killing Our Most Vulnerable
The story of Devi Barker, one of Centrelink’s robo-debt victims has put the flawed Government automated debt-recovery system back into the spotlight. Her story is not dissimilar to thousands of other Australians in the same predicament: accused of racking up...