Centrelink Offences

Taxpayers Will Fund Any Criminal Defence Scott Morrison May Face

Federal Attorney General Mark Dreyfus has ensured Australian taxpayers will foot the bill for any criminal charges or civil proceedings brought against his colleague Scott Morrison over the former prime minister’s responsibility for ensuring his government’s  Robodebt extortion scheme continued...

Desperate and Hungry: Struggling to Survive on Newstart

In a raw series produced by the Guardian Newspaper earlier this year called “On the Breadline,” a group of Australians opened up, telling their own personal stories of what it’s like to be struggling to make ends meet. What most...

12 Reasons to Choose Sydney Criminal Lawyers®

Being prosecuted for a criminal or traffic offence can be a nerve-wracking experience. You may be unfamiliar with the process, unsure of the best way forward and concerned about the outcome. But whether you are charged with a less-serious matter...

Centrelink’s Release of Critic’s Personal Information May Be a Crime

A prominent barrister believes the federal human services minister or one of his staff may have committed a crime by releasing a Centrelink client’s personal information. Robert Richter QC was commissioned by the federal Labor party to provide advice on...

Less Cash for Centrelink Recipients: Government Hails Debit Card Trial a Success

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The federal government has declared its twelve-month trial of ‘cashless’ welfare cards a huge success, after an evaluation found it has contributed to a reduction in alcohol consumption and gambling in rural communities. The government is so pleased with the...

If You Owe Money to Centrelink, Don’t Try to Leave Australia

The Department of Immigration and Border Patrol will soon team up with Centrelink to stop people from leaving the country if they have family assistance or social security debts. The Crackdown Under new legislation, government agencies will work together to...

Social Media: Helping Police to Crack Down on Centrelink Fraud

Australia has a relatively broad welfare system - with the federal government funding around $150 billion per year in benefits - a figure that is set to rise in coming years with our aging population. But not everyone plays by...

Recent Centrelink Fraud Cases

Fraudulently obtaining payments through Centrelink is a Commonwealth offence and can come with serious penalties. Like most other Commonwealth offences, all Centrelink fraud cases in Australia are prosecuted by the Commonwealth Director of Public Prosecutions (CDPP). Centrelink fraud can cover...

Can I Change Paying My Centrelink Debt to Community Service?

If you have been overpaid by Centrelink you will have a debt raised against you. Even if you have done nothing wrong, or the overpayment was a result of a genuine mistake on your part, you will still be required...

How do Penalties for White Collar Crime and Social Security Fraud Compare?

White collar crime is a type of fraud which is usually committed against corporations or organisations. Generally, white collar crime is committed by employees of these organisations. Although there are a number of penalties that you can receive if you...
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