Pro-Palestinians Praise South Africa as Sydney Rallies for the 14th Week: In Photos

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Pro-Palestinians Praise South Africa as Sydney Rallies

On the 99th day of the Israeli perpetrated genocide in Gaza, thousands of pro-Palestinian demonstrators gathered in Hyde Park North for the 14th week in a row. And the statement can yet again be made that the support for the Free Palestine cause shows no signs of abating.

Many of the words shared by the speakers at the 13th January Palestine Action Group rally centred upon the genocide case South Africa argued at the World Court on 11 January, and the pitiful claim of self-defence Israel responded with on Friday.

Palestinian activist Jana Fayyad made clear that in 2023 the world finally saw “what racial supremacy and western settler colonialism leads to. For 75 years, Israel has been ravaging Palestinians, in what can only be described as beastly ways, with full impunity from the international community.”

“But 2023 is the year that they lost their credibility. Their manipulative tactics. Their laughable lies. Their greenwashing, their pinkwashing, their sportswashing, is all a joke now. We also saw that it is possible for nations to defy the corrupt Zionist agenda and take a stance against the Zionist order.”

“From the Palestinian movement, all of our admiration and appreciation goes out to South Africa, who, despite having an ugly history, sought humanity and broke free from the racist apartheid system and, in turn, made history by taking Israel to The Hague,” she ended.

Sydney Criminal Lawyers was on the ground again on the day following Save the Children having announced one percent of Gaza’s child population, over 10,000 kids, have been murdered since 7 October.

Peace in Gaza. Peace in Yemen. The US and UK bombed Yemen on Thursday, with Australia providing support
Peace in Gaza. Peace in Yemen. The US and UK bombed Yemen on Thursday, with Australia providing support
Palestinian activist Jana Fayyad wore a one-hundred-and fifty-year-old Palestinian thobe, a hand embroidered dress, twice the age of the state of Israel
Palestinian activist Jana Fayyad wore a one-hundred-and fifty-year-old Palestinian thobe, a hand embroidered dress, twice the age of the state of Israel
Boycott and divest
Boycott and divest
The list of lawyers that argued the South African genocide case and the flags of the nations now supporting it
The list of lawyers that argued the South African genocide case and the flags of the nations now supporting it
Palestine Action Group’s Josh Lees put the call out for the 26 January Invasion Day protest at Sydney’s Belmore Park
Palestine Action Group’s Josh Lees put the call out for the 26 January Invasion Day protest at Sydney’s Belmore Park
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From the river to the sea, always was always will be
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The Palestinian flag engulfs the CBD streets yet again
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NSW police took some aerial shots
And they come
And they come
And they don’t stop coming
And they don’t stop coming

Paul Gregoire

Paul Gregoire is a Sydney-based journalist and writer. He's the winner of the 2021 NSW Council for Civil Liberties Award For Excellence In Civil Liberties Journalism. Prior to Sydney Criminal Lawyers®, Paul wrote for VICE and was the news editor at Sydney’s City Hub.

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