Sydney Criminal Lawyers® Weekly Rundown – Articles from 16 to 22 October 2023

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Sydney Criminal Lawyers®

In case you’ve missed any of them, here’s a rundown of the past week’s articles:

Police Officer Acquitted of Fatally Shooting Teen Must Testify at Coronial Inquest

A police officer acquitted of murdering a teen in Alice Springs has lost his bid to avoid testifying at the upcoming coronial inquest.

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Gaza: International Rules-Based Order Backs Apartheid Israel Perpetrated Genocide

While the recent Hamas attacks are indeed reprehensible, the claim they were “unprovoked” is untrue and Israel’s response borders on genocide.

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Minns Continues to Follow Coalition Playbook on Drug Law Reform: This Time Positively

Successive state governments are causing harm by not recognising that “[d]rug use and dependency is a health issue and should be treated as such.”

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The Legal Defence of ‘Public Interest’ in New South Wales Defamation Cases

The ABC has been ordered to pay a former soldier $390,000 for defaming him in ways that were not in the public interest.

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Can Witchcraft or Fortune Telling Amount to a Crime in NSW?

While witchcraft and fortune telling are not discrete offences in NSW, dishonestly obtaining a benefit by deception through such conduct can amount to fraud.

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If Not Then, Now: First Nations Justice Must Be Wrought via Treaties Based on Truth

With the referendum behind us, it’s time to fight for real justice by way of a truth-based treaty.

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US Further Heightens Military Presence, With Plans to Station Land Forces in Australia

Allowing more US military encroachments on Australian soil further compromises our territorial integrity and is against our economic and security interests.

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The Gaza Crisis Reveals Why Our Government Wants More Laws to Police Truth on the Net

Albanese is pushing for laws to censor independent thought on the internet, while itself spreading disinformation on a range of issues.

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Victoria Set to Introduce Discrete Criminal Offence of Non-Fatal Strangulation

The move will bring the state into line with NSW, the ACT and Queensland.

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Predatory Driving in New South Wales: Law, Defences and Penalties

A man has been charged with several offences after allegedly ramming a police car before exiting and attempting to take an occupied vehicle.

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