Sydney Criminal Lawyers® Weekly Rundown – Articles from 17 to 23 October 2022

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Sydney Criminal Lawyers®

In case you’ve missed any of them, here’s a rundown of the past week’s articles:

As Street Dog Care in Kathmandu Grows, Community Attitude to Strays Is Shifting

The heart-warming story of a non-profit organisation that has improved the lives of tens of thousands of street dogs.

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The Law, Penalties and Defences for the Offence of Sexual Act in New South Wales

A man is accused of masturbating in front of a mother and her young daughter in a Western Sydney Kmart store.

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Australia: Easy Pickings for Cyber-Criminals

The latest data breach potentially exposes 2.2 million users of a website owned by Woolworths to fraud and identity theft.

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NSW Police Gifted Draconian Search Powers Relating to Encrypted Devices

Police officers have been given even greater power to harass those who have served their time.

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Pollies’ Reputation Excuse for Closed Door NACC Proceedings Is Bollocks

The Albanese government says federal anti-corruption hearings will be held in secret, to protect the reputations of politicians.

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Dr Alison Broinowski on the War Powers Inquiry Succeeding Despite Marles’ Intervention

The decision on whether Australia goes to war should rest with parliament, not just the PM.

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Perrottet Has Passed a Swag of Police State Laws, Just Prior to Likely Election Loss

“NSW is becoming a police state… [where] [t]he Coalition’s reckless arbitrary intervention and law and order agenda is burning bright”.

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What Happens if I Am Late to Lodge My Income Tax Return?

Not lodging your tax return on time can result in a fine that doubles every 28 days, while continued failure can lead to criminal prosecution.

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Pauline Hanson Loses Defamation Case

The One Nation leader has been ordered to pay $250,000 to a former senator she falsely accused of sexually abusing a staffer.

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Australia Under Attack from Cyber Criminals

“[W]e’ve found… [Medibank customers] with very interesting diagnoses”, the hackers asserted. “And we’ll email them their information”.

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Facial Recognition Technology: Coming to a Pokie Room Near You

Many are skeptical about claims the introduction of facial recognition technology is solely the protect problem gamblers.

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All Your Daily Needs on Offer in the Kathmandu Streets: In Photos

Although one of the world’s least developed nations, Nepal boasts a vibrant street life, rich culture and lack of social control that is unfamiliar to many Australians.

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In Going Green, Australian Companies to Destroy PNG: Interview With PNG Trust’s Joseph Ka’au

The plan to build ‘green’ hydroplants in Papua New Guinea will have a devastating environmental impact on our neighbour.

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OPCAT Debacle Continues: NSW Refuses UN Human Rights Inspectors Enter Prisons

The Perrottet government has reneged on its agreement to allow prisons to be assessed for compliance with human rights requirements.

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McBride to Argue Public Interest Defence Next Week, Under Flawed Laws

The former defence force lawyer who exposed Australian war crimes in Afghanistan will argue the public had a right to know about the atrocities committed in our name.

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