Sydney Criminal Lawyers® Weekly Rundown – Articles from 3 to 9 October 2022

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Sydney Criminal Lawyers®

In case you’ve missed any of them, here’s a rundown of the past week’s articles:

High Times in the Land of Smiles: Some Snaps

The demonstrated benefits of legalising cannabis should make our politicians question their continuing criminalisation of the plant.

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Karen Refugees from Myanmar Spend Decades in UN-Run Thai Camps, as Recent Arrivals Are Returned

The little-known Indigenous ethnic minority have been existing for decades in extremely difficult circumstances.

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Man Suspected of Drug Driving Dies in Police Custody

The tragedy has raised concerns about whether police are adequately trained to deal with those at risk.

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Corruption Will Continue to be Hidden, Under Proposed Federal Anti-Corruption Commission

The federal government’s proposal for an anti-corruption watchdog contains provisions enabling proceedings to be held in secret.

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Judicial Independence is More Important Than Ever

Judges need to take a stand against the erosion of fundamental democratic freedoms in our nation.

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NSW Parliament to Consider Medicinal Cannabis Defence to Drug Driving

The law would stop medicinal cannabis patients with minute traces in their systems from being treated as criminals.

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NSW Police Officer Accused of Tampering with Evidence to Support False Criminal Charges

The officer claimed the man threatened police over the phone. The man was arrested, charged and spent 3 weeks in prison. Fortunately, the man recorded the conversation.

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The Offence of Knowingly Providing False or Misleading Information to a Commonwealth Entity

Rod Culleton has denied allegations he made a false declaration to the Australian Electoral Commission.

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The Law in NSW: Recording Conversations

By popular demand: an outline of the law on the recording of private conversations, including an internal link to an article outlining the ‘protection of lawful interests’ exception.

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Served His Time, Seeking Return: An Interview with Deported “Jailhouse Lawyer” David McCulloch

David McCulloch is fighting to return to Australia after his visa was cancelled over spurious police claims about his paralegal work.

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Hands Off Assange! US and UK Citizens Stand in Solidarity with Truth-Teller

Thousands are expected to gather on Saturday, 8 October 2022 in support of the award-winning Australian journalist.

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Let’s Legalise It: Senator Shoebridge on Legislating Lawful Cannabis Nationwide

A law is being introduced into federal parliament which will, if passed, legalise the plant’s possession for personal use.

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UN Rules Australian Climate Inaction Is Violating Torres Strait Islander Rights

The UN asserts that our nation’s inaction on climate is impacting the most on our low-lying neighbours.

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Officer Charged with Fabricating Evidence, But His Victim Explains that Coverups Run Deep

The officer is now charged with fabricating evidence to bring false charges but his victim, who spent weeks in custody as a result, explains how the system protects the real criminals.

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At Kathmandu’s Hindu Burning Grounds, Death Is a Regular Public Matter

A fascinating, first-hand insight into the after-life rituals of Hindu people in Nepal.

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