Sydney Criminal Lawyers® Weekly Rundown – Articles from 18 to 24 February 2019

In case you’ve missed any of them, here’s a rundown of the past week’s articles:
What is Grievous Bodily Harm in Criminal Law?
A man is appealing his conviction for intentionally causing grievous bodily harm after setting his girlfriend on fire.
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#Nuns Too Speak Out About Their Sexual Abuse at the Hands of Catholic Priests
Evidence is mounting that large numbers of nuns and vulnerable women have been sexually abused by Catholic clergymen.
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NSW Police Officer Blackmailed Women into Having Sex
He pleaded guilty to 44 offences involving 15 victims over a decade.
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Police & FOI Work Together to Block Citizens’ Access to Their Own Data
Government agencies are working to block the ability of citizens to access their own information.
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Judge’s Summing Up Amounted to “a Second Address by the Prosecution”
The High Court found that the sentencing judge’s remarks “were so lacking in balance as to be seen as an exercise in persuading the jury of the appellant’s guilt”.
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Don’t Kill Live Music: An Interview With Festival Promoter Ben Tillman
Thousands are set to gather in Hyde Park to protest against Premier Berejiklian’s new licensing scheme.
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Twilight of the Coalition: Morrison’s De Facto Vote of No Confidence
The Morrison government has been marked by knee-jerk decision-making, political posturing and ineffective governance.
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A Healer, Not a Dealer: Jenny Hallam Pleads Guilty to Drug Charges
She will be sentenced after providing cannabis medicines free of charge to those in need.
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Cannabis Legalisation is Coming to Canberra
The nation’s capital is set to legalise the recreational use and possession of cannabis.
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The Offence of Fraud in New South Wales
A man who defrauded his employer of more than $400,000 due to “anger and vengeance” has been sentenced in Downing Centre Local Court.
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Are Male Victims of Domestic Violence Overlooked?
A twenty-two year old man was found close to death at the flat he shared with his partner.
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Random Workplace Drug Testing: A Breach of Your Civil Liberties
Drug testing can detect traces of substances long after the effects have worn off.
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Frontline Festival Safety: An Interview With DanceWize NSW’s Jessie Murray
DanceWize peer educators are attending music festivals to help inform and promote the safety of patrons.
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If you are going to court for a criminal or traffic case, call us anytime on (02) 9261 8881 to arrange a free first conference with an experienced criminal lawyer at Parramatta, the Sydney CBD, Liverpool, Penrith, Bankstown, Chatswood, Wollongong or Newcastle.