Sydney Criminal Lawyers® Weekly Rundown – Articles from 19 to 25 April 2021

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Sydney Criminal Lawyers®

In case you’ve missed any of them, here’s a rundown of the past week’s articles:

Victoria Gives Overseas Arrivals the Right to Appeal Hotel Quarantine

Those who arrive in Australia will have the right to appeal against being held in hotel quarantine.

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NSW Police Stations to Get Specialist Domestic Violence Workers

Domestic violence workers will be at police stations to help police respond to complaints.

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Light Up This 420 as the Edifice of Global Cannabis Prohibition Continues to Crumble

Today, 20 April, is when advocates for cannabis legalisation mobilise against prohibition.

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Questions Remain After Judge Corrects Sentencing Error for Manslaughter of Transgender Woman

The NSW judge initially allowed an army corporal who killed a transgender woman to walk free, before being told this course of action wasn’t available.

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Holgate’s Demonisation Was Due to Her Resistance to Privatisation, Not Watches

The Australia Post inquiry has revealed that Christine Holgate was likely targeted over her resistance to privatisation, not the gifting of watches.

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George Floyd’s Killer Found Guilty of Murder

The Police Officer who killed George Floyd has been found guilty of all charges.

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First Nations Deaths in Custody Must be Independently Investigated: An Interview With David Shoebridge

There are calls for an end to a system whereby those suspected of causing deaths in custody investigate themselves.

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Federal Labor Commits to War Powers Inquiry: An Interview With AWPR’s Dr Alison Broinowski

Labor has committed to establishing a mechanism whereby parliament decides whether Australia goes to war, not just the PM.

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How to Write a Character Reference for Court

A summary of the do’s and dont’s when it comes to writing a character reference for court.

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As NZ Legalises Pill Testing Permanently, Australian MPs Watch the Death Toll Rise

The success of trials has led New Zealand to make pill testing legal and permanent.

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The Offence of Sexually Touching a Child Aged 10 to 16

Another NSW police officer has been charged with child sex offences.

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‘Good Society’ Sexual Consent Videos: Another Federal Government Flop

The videos have been described as ‘an insult to the intelligence of everyone, not just adults, but to children as well.’

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Legal Watchdog Cancels Outspoken Anti-Lockdown Lawyer’s Practising Certificate

An anti-lockdown lawyer who rallied against “the corrupt legal profession” and “corrupt judges” has had her licence cancelled.

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Lest We Forget, That Wars Are the Product of Lies

Modern justifications for invading other nations, whether they be the threat of communism or weapons of mass destruction, are manufactured by western governments.

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Are My Demerit Points Deleted When I’m Suspended or Disqualified from Driving?

The rules regarding the deletion of demerit points upon suspension or disqualification.

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Government Criminalises Aussies Who Use Travel Bubble as a Stepping Stone

Australian citizens and permanent residents face up to 5 years in prison for travelling on to other countries from New Zealand.

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