Sydney Criminal Lawyers® Weekly Rundown – Articles from 4 to 10 March 2024

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Sydney Criminal Lawyers®

In case you’ve missed any of them, here’s a rundown of the past week’s articles:

Section 25A(2) of Crimes Act 1900- Assault Whilst Intoxicated Causing Death

Watch our video on section 25A(2) of the Crimes Act 1900 (NSW) : Assault whilst Intoxicated Causing Death.

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Queensland Supreme Court Finds Covid Vaccine Mandates Were Unlawful

The court’s finding that vaccine mandates to police and paramedics were unlawful could pave the way for further proceedings.

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The Injustice of NSW Drug Driving Laws Has Been Compounded

The highest criminal court in the state has made clear the defence of honest mistake does not apply to drug driving charges.

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Australian Law Firm Files Case Against PM for Complicity in Gaza Genocide

Over 100 lawyers are supporting a case brought against Australian politicians for aiding and abetting the genocide in Gaza

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FAMINE: Israeli-Made, Australian-Backed, Utter Colonial Bastardry in Gaza

After massacring civilians in Gaza and destroying their homes, hospitals and schools, Israel has moved to the next stage of genocide: mass starvation.

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Is a Criminal Offence Considered More Serious If Motivated by Hatred or Prejudice?

Matilda’s captain Sam Kerr has been accused of a ‘racially motivated’ offence in the wake of a stellar performance in the UK last year.

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McBride Back On: Prosecution Attempts to Tender Post-Plea “National Security” Evidence

As the former ADF lawyer who blew the whistle on war crimes in Afghanistan is about to be sentenced, the prosecution are trying to use new material against him.

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NSW Police Officers Assault Teen for Possessing a Vape

A video of heavily-built officers brutalising the boy has gone viral.

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ASIO’s Chinaphobic Threat Assessment Ignores the Risk Posed by US Warmongers

Australia seems intent on brown-nosing the US by escalating hostilities towards our biggest trading partner.

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Mardi Gras May Have Passed, But NSW Police Remains a Rogue Force

Although the alleged murder of two gay men by a serving officer triggered debate, the issue of endemic police brutality and lack of accountability persists.

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Climate Activists Sentenced to Imprisonment Over Non-Violent Protest

“The sentences are harsh for peaceful climate protest”, sending a stern warning to those seeking to stand up for what they believe in.

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Prosecuting Australian Genocide: A Chat With Uncle Robbie Thorpe and Barrister Len Lindon

‘[I]f you look at the Genocide Convention 1948, there is nothing in that act that Australia is not guilty of.’

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