Sydney Criminal Lawyers® Weekly Rundown – Articles from 31 May to 6 June 2021

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Sydney Criminal Lawyers®

In case you’ve missed any of them, here’s a rundown of the past week’s articles:

What are the Penalties for Prohibited Drug Offences in New South Wales?

The maximum penalty for a state drug offence depends on the type and weight of the drug, as well as the court in which the case is finalised.

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What is False Imprisonment in New South Wales?

An unlawful arrest can amount to false imprisonment and lead to civil or even criminal liability.

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Retrial Ordered Due to Judge’s Failure to Give Fair and Proper Directions to Jury

“What was said by the trial judge fell short of putting the defence case to the jury… [and] There was a failure… to provide proper directions”.

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Jarryd Hayne to Serve His Time at Cooma Correctional Centre

The former football star will serve his time in southern NSW, unless his appeal is successful or he is later transferred elsewhere.

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Israeli Police Are Arresting Palestinians by the Masses

After bombing Gaza, Israel is now conducting mass arrests of Palestinians who stand against oppression or challenge the illegal occupation of their land.

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Christian Porter Defamation Case: Should He Have Fought On?

Some believe he should have fought to clear his name, while others feel the damage has already been done and that a hearing would achieve little.

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No Jab, No Work for Aged Care Staff

The federal government wants to make it mandatory for private aged care staff to be vaccinated against COVID.

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Taking Political Action in a Time of Mounting Crises

Many don’t like the way we’re headed and are asking, ‘how can I make a difference?’. Here are some of the steps we all can take to be heard.

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Reigniting the Aboriginal Watch Committees: An Interview With Aunty Susie Dixon

First Nations activists are establishing watch committees to monitor deaths in custody.

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New Zealand Deportees Take Class Action Against Morrison Migration Regime

A group of lawyers, advocates and deportees are launching a class action against the government’s unfair deportation regime.

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Justice for Mr Riley: An Interview With Cassandra Riley and Dr Hannah McGlade

The 39-year old died after police tasered him 10 times.

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Lawyers for George Floyd’s Killer Plead for Probation

The lawyers say their client should avoid prison time, as he is just part of a ‘broken system’.

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Victorian Police Officers Praised for ‘Good Deeds’

Two officers joined a game of basketball that breached COVID rules, while others took it upon themselves to feed a homeless man.

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Vaccine Apartheid: Morrison Backs Big Pharma in Denying Poorer Nations

Our government is pushing for Aussies to be vaccinated, while refusing to support a plan to make it easier for poorer nations to access the drugs.

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The Racist Implications of the Age of Criminal Responsibility in Israel and Australia

The low age of criminal responsibility disproportionately affects disempowered youths.

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