Sydney Criminal Lawyers® Weekly Rundown – Articles from 2 to 8 January 2023

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Sydney Criminal Lawyers®

In case you’ve missed any of them, here’s a rundown of the past week’s articles:

The Offence of Furious Driving in New South Wales

A 46-year old man has been charged with a string of traffic offences after a head-on collision with a police car in Wollongong.

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What is ‘Wounding’ in the New South Wales Criminal Law?

Three teens were allegedly involved in striking another with a bottle just minutes into the new year, causing severe lacerations.

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The Law, Defences and Penalties for Drug Possession in New South Wales

Police say they detected 97 people in possession of illicit drugs at the Fuzzy Field Day festival on New Year’s day.

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Gay Hate Murder Conviction Quashed, Despite Defendant’s Guilty Plea

The appeals court quashed the conviction because the judge applied the wrong test to find the defendant could change his guilty plea.

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Youth Detainees Riot at WA’s Notorious Banksia Hill Youth Prison on NYE

Child detainees have rioted after a year of calls for the notoriously inhumane facility’s closure.

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The Law, Defences and Penalties for Affray in New South Wales

Three men face court charged with affray after a brawl at a hotel in Western Sydney.

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Report Condemns Heavy-Handed Response to COVID and Calls for Fines to Be Dropped

The report confirmed the strict enforcement of COVID restrictions was unwarranted, unjustified and in many cases unlawful.

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Prisoners Must be Given Access to Medicare, Says Gerry Georgatos

“Medicare in prisons would have most certainly kept many people alive who have suicided or died before their time”.

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Jesus the Agitator and the Perrottet Anti-Protest Regime: An Interview With Historian Diane Fieldes

The draconian anti-protest laws enacted under our devout Christian premier would have seen the persecution of his own faith’s early adherents.

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Movement on a Federal Human Rights Act, With Ability to Seek Remedy

The past three years have made it clearer than ever that a federal Human Rights Act is desperately needed.

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The Offence of Sexual Touching of a Child Under the Age of 10 in New South Wales

A man is facing court for allegedly sexually touching up to nine children at a shopping centre in Sydney’s south-west.

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Queensland Gets Tough on Youth Crime

The state government thinks locking kids up for longer will reduce youth crime in the longer term.

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Court Decision Forces Government to Release Detainees Slated for Deportation

A recent decision has compelled the government to release dozens of detainees scheduled for deportation on character grounds.

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The Government Is Again Detaining Offshore Refugee Medical Transferees In Hotels

The detention of new Medevac refugees after the Coalition released all previous ones pre-election suggests Labor is no more humane than its predecessor.

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Queensland Announces Draconian Penalties to Deal With Youth Crime

The state has thumbed its nose at abundant research which makes clear locking kids up is counter-productive to reducing youth crime.

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