Sydney Criminal Lawyers® Weekly Rundown – Articles from 25 to 31 October 2021

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Sydney Criminal Lawyers®

In case you’ve missed any of them, here’s a rundown of the past week’s articles:

Jury Trials and Defended Hearings Set to Resume in Greater Sydney

Jury trials and defended hearings are set to recommence, with a number restrictions in place.

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Kassam Versus Hazzard: What the Supreme Court Found

The Kassam case raised nearly a dozen grounds challenging COVID restrictions and vaccine mandates, all of which were rejected.

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Morrison Is Detaining Refugees With Compromised Health Inside COVID Hotspot

“The windows do not open. The rooms are always closed. The whole hotel – the building – is always closed. The fresh air is outside, and the virus cannot go out.”

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Workers Push Back Against Covid-19 Vaccination Mandates

More than 100 Victorians have joined a legal challenge against the state’s ‘no jab, no job’ directives.

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What is a ‘Conspiracy’ in the Commonwealth Criminal Law?

A Sydney man on bail for allegedly conspiring to import a commercial quantity of drugs into Australia is suspected of disabling his ankle monitor and gone on the run.

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Legislating to End the Forced Removals of First Nations Children in NSW

“The appalling rate of removal of Aboriginal children in NSW is an act of continuing violence”.

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With No Bill of Rights, Kassam v Hazzard Was Bound to Fail: An Interview With Professor George Williams

The leading constitutional law expert explains that public health laws contain “the sorts of powers that you expect to find in a dictatorship, not a country that values its democratic freedoms and ensures they’re respected.”

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Victoria Police Settles Brutality Case for $11.75 Million

Taxpayers will foot the bill for an assault by police which left a man paralysed from the neck down.

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Protesting Perrottet’s Prejudice: An Interview With CARR’s April Holcombe

This Sunday’s rally will highlight the “sordid history Perrottet has of expressing extremely reactionary views against LGBTI people and women, as well as extreme nationalism”.

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Settler Colonial Justice: Constable Acquitted of Yamatji Woman JC’s Custodial Killing

The police officer was acquitted of unlawfully shooting dead the First Nations woman despite the video footage suggesting otherwise.

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Deputy President Will No Longer Hear Claims Regarding Vaccine Mandates

The Fair Work Commission’s Deputy President will no longer hear vaccine-related claims after describing mandates as “a system of medical apartheid and segregation in Australia”.

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NSW Police Officer Sent to Prison for Lying in Court

He violently arrested a woman and lied to cover up his misconduct.

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Gladys Grilled Over Gun Club Grant

Telephone intercepts played at the ICAC provide an insight into the state of the former premier’s knowledge.

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Police Continue to Use Consorting Laws to Target the Most Vulnerable, Watchdog Finds

The LECC confirmed that NSW police officers continue to use consorting laws to target Indigenous, young and homeless people.

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