Sydney Criminal Lawyers® Weekly Rundown – Articles from 18 to 24 October 2021

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Sydney Criminal Lawyers®

In case you’ve missed any of them, here’s a rundown of the past week’s articles:

NSW Supreme Court Rejects Challenges to Public Health Orders

The court dismissed all of the challenges on all grounds, finding that the government’s COVID restrictions are legally valid.

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Federal Government: Get Your Priorities Right!

Many believe the PM should focus on supporting those who are struggling most, rather than spending tens of billions on submarines.

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Personal Factors Cannot Affect the Objective Seriousness of an Offence

The judge made an error by finding that the defendant’s limited remorse and poor driving record made the offence itself more serious.

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The Offence of a Child Possessing Spray Paint Without a Lawful Purpose in NSW

With Halloween around the corner and kids keen to release their pent up energy, families are being reminded to enjoy the festivities safely and on the right side of the law.

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COVID-19 Has Infected Medevac Refugees in Long-Term Hotel Detention

The infection of Medevac refugees comes after the federal government was repeatedly warned this would occur.

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New Payment Approved for Victims Fleeing Domestic Violence

A non-means tested payment of $5,000 will be given to those escaping domestic violence.

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As the ACT Moves to Fixed-Site Pill Testing, NSW Police Minister Doesn’t Get It

NSW police minister David Elliott is intent on denying access to the potentially life-saving harm reduction measure.

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NSW Government Proposes to Divert Certain Drug Offenders Away From the Criminal Justice System

The proposal would divert those caught with small amounts of illegal drugs away from the courts and towards treatment.

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Left Unprotected: An Interview With People With Disability Australia’s Giancarlo de Vera

Advocacy groups are warning that the worst of the pandemic may be yet to come for people with disability.

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Protecting Porter: Federal Government Rejects Inquiry Into ‘Blind Trust’

It’s first time since federation that an Australian government has rejected a Parliamentary Speaker’s motion for an inquiry into an alleged breach of ministerial standards.

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Extinction Rebellion Cries Foul as the Liberals and Nationals Fumble on Net Zero

Activists are taking to the streets to demand that our government act to protect our environment.

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“A Sign of Weakness and Desperation”: Former ADF Major Cameron Leckie on AUKUS

The former ADF Major has spoken out against Australia’s war posturing towards China, saying we are shooting ourselves in the foot through the AUKUS alliance.

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Pru Goward’s Opining on the Poor Reveals Deep Political Class Prejudice

The former minister for family and social services speaks out about the prejudice harboured by our politicians against the poor.

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Police Routinely Breached Legal Rights During COVID, Reports Confirm

The “haphazard and overly punitive approach” included the unlawful use of “horses, batons, OC spray and… projectile weapons” with impunity.

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