Sydney Criminal Lawyers® Weekly Rundown – Articles from 27 November to 3 December 2023

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Sydney Criminal Lawyers®

In case you’ve missed any of them, here’s a rundown of the past week’s articles:

The Offence of Reckless Foreign Interference in Australia

A Sydney businessman has vehemently denied claims he unlawfully sold information to Chinese spies.

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Getting Arrested at the Nation’s Largest Civil Disobedience Action for Climate

One of our very own has experienced first-hand the way police treat nonviolent protesters in our state.

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Parity in Sentencing: Youth Sentence Reduced to Reflect Co-Accused’s Successful Appeal

A fundamental principle in criminal in law is that penalties for the same or similar offences are consistent.

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Activists Blockade Pine Gap Facility Due to Evidence of Complicity in the Gaza Genocide

“Facilitating the US war machine is not real work. If anyone is interested in life, in humanity, there is none of that work to be found at this facility.”

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Stranded: Australia Cuts Lifeline to Remaining PNG Offshore Detainees

Our government has cut financial support to asylum seekers stranded in Papua New Guinea, putting already desperate people in a dire situation.

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McBride’s Crucifixion Highlights the Need for Whistleblower Protections in Australia

The appalling treatment of the defence force lawyer who bravely exposed war crimes in Afghanistan is a warning to all truthtellers.

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“For Palestinian Liberation”: Unionists for Palestine’s Erima Dall on the Police Protest Crackdown

The recent heavy-handed police treatment of nonviolent protesters at Port Botany has merely served to strengthen their resolve.

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What Types of Legal Costs Can Be Ordered in NSW Civil Cases?

Australia’s most decorated living soldier has been ordered to pay ‘indemnity costs’ after the court found that reports about his war crimes were true.

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Sexual Intercourse Without Consent: Rape and Sexual Assault Laws in Australia

A summary of the laws relating to having sexual intercourse without consent across Australia.

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Sydney’s Veteran Drug Law Reformists Call for Decriminalisation of Drug Possession

A group of drug law reformists descended on parliament to call for “decriminalisation of possession and use of small amounts of drugs”.

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“You Don’t Betray Your Sources”: DBH’s Gerard Mazza on the ABC Handing Footage to Police

“I wish that the ABC had more integrity. It is basic journalistic ethics 101: you don’t betray your sources.”

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The Albanese Government Legislates Away Local Sovereignty to Facilitate US War on China

The government’s AUKUS arms control bill gives the United States even greater control over our nation.

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Teen Sentenced to Imprisonment for Aggravated Dangerous Driving Occasioning Death

A teen who killed five young friends when he crashed while travelling at nearly twice the speed limit will serve at least 7 years in prison.

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NSW Police Officer Faces Manslaughter Charges for Fatally Tasering Great Grandmother

The assault charges against the officer who fatally tasered 95-year old Clare Nowland have been upgraded to manslaughter.

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Government Apologises to Thalidomide Victims, But COVID Vaccine Injuries Remain Unrecognised

It’s taken 60 years for the government to apologise to Thalidomide victims, which is an ominous sign for those currently suffering COVID vaccine injuries.

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