Sydney Criminal Lawyers® Weekly Rundown – Articles from 13 to 19 November 2023

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Sydney Criminal Lawyers®

In case you’ve missed any of them, here’s a rundown of the past week’s articles:

Prosecution of Bruce Lehrmann: Police Join DPP in an Attempt to Clear Their Names

Police officers are seeking to join civil proceedings brought by embattled former DPP Shane Drumgold in an attempt to repair their reputations.

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Stop the Genocide: Fifty Thousand Strong in Sydney Call for Gaza Ceasefire Now

Australians have joined millions across the globe calling for an end to the Israeli genocide in Gaza.

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Do I Have to Testify in Court? Explaining Witness Competence and Compellability

Not everyone can be forced to testify in court.

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Authoritarianism Accelerates: Associate of Assange Investigated Under UK Terrorism Laws

“I was told I was being investigated for terrorism. I was therefore, not entitled to legal advice. I was told I had no right to remain silent”.

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Lengthy Compliance with Bail Does Not Justify Relaxation of Bail Conditions

The court found that long-term compliance with bail and delays by the prosecution are not enough to justify the relaxation of bail conditions.

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Grassroots Australia Mobillises Against Genocide: CoCo Speaks to Palestinian Hunger Striker

“Save Gaza. Then save the whole world from wars. We had enough bloodshed over hundreds of years – that’s enough. This has to stop”.

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How Much Will My Sentence Be Reduced If I Plead Guilty?

A man facing 23 child sex offences pleaded guilty just hours into his trial.

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Arrested Over Protesting Gaza: Wage Peace’s Margaret Pestorius on the NSW Antiprotest Regime

“[E]xtreme Sydney policing has now been embedded into its everyday practices”.

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Expanding the Offence of Hate Speech Will Unjustifiably Impede Free Speech

The premier seems to think increased restrictions on free speech will lead to better outcomes.

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Dutton Embarks on Racist Dog Whistling, as the Indefinite Detention Regime Crumbles

The High Court ruling that led to the release of over 80 unlawfully detained refugees has provided Dutton with an opportunity to use his unscrupulous old tactics.

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Australian Police Only Protect the Interests of Those Who Are Like Them

A human rights lawyer explains that police primarily protect the interests of “people who look like them”, while failing to help and even targeting others.

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Changing a Criminal Plea from Guilty to Not Guilty: The ‘Interests of Justice’ Test

The court found that a defendant does not have to establish a ‘miscarriage of justice’ in order to change a plea from guilty to not guilty.

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Court Suppresses Name of NSW Police Inspector Charged with High-Range Drink Driving

The name of the police inspector who allegedly crashed a police-issued car while drunk will remain hidden.

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