Sydney Criminal Lawyers® Weekly Rundown – Articles from 28 February to 6 March 2022

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Sydney Criminal Lawyers®

In case you’ve missed any of them, here’s a rundown of the past week’s articles:

Should Parents be Held Responsible for the Crimes of their Children?

The parents of a 15-year old who allegedly opened fire at a school will face trial.

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Lazar and Constantinidis Convictions Overturned as Not Supported by Evidence

Two Sydney men who were convicted of paying a third to use violence if necessary to stop a police investigation have had their convictions quashed.

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How Putin’s “Reclaiming” of Ukraine Could Spark Dutton’s War on China

There are concerns the Russian invasion of Ukraine will embolden Australia to send troops in the event of an invasion of Taiwan.

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Parents Prosecuted Over Son’s Alleged Crimes

Parents who allegedly bought a firearm for their teen and wrote “Lol. I’m not mad at you. You have to learn not to get caught”, are being prosecuted over a subsequent fatal shooting.

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Judge Declares Banksia Hill Kids Prison Dehumanising, as Class Action Mounts

“When you treat a damaged child like an animal, they will behave like one,” the judge remarked, as he refused send the child to an inhumane facility.

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Decriminalising Drugs to Save Lives: An Interview With Reason Leader Fiona Patten

“The global war on drugs has failed, with devastating consequences for individuals and societies around the world”.

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Spotlight on Overdose: An Interview With AIVL CEO Jake Docker

There are calls for a National Overdose Strategy to reduce drug-related deaths.

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Not Just Locals Consider Morrison’s Government Our Most Corrupt

The latest global index reveals that Australia is more corrupt than ever.

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How Good Are Rain Bombs and Megafires? Morrison Damns Us to Climate Hell

Scientists have made clear the unprecedented recent floods are the direct result of climate change, despite what deniers may say.

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Is it Fair for a Defendant to Face a Third Criminal Trial?

Jarryd Hayne will face a third trial after the first jury was deadlocked and the second convicted him after being misdirected by the judge.

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Home Affairs Is Turning Australia’s Foreign Spies on Our Own

Laws passed under the guise of protecting against foreign threats are actually being used to monitor, silence and control Australians.

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