Sydney Criminal Lawyers® Weekly Rundown – Articles from 3 to 9 June 2019

In case you’ve missed any of them, here’s a rundown of the past week’s articles:
The Crime of Possessing Child Abuse Material
A man who pleaded guilty to possessing over two million sexual images and videos of children has avoided a criminal record.
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High Crimes Rates Deter Residents from Pursuing Opportunities
A study found that living in high-crime areas deterred residents from seeking further education, pursuing higher paid jobs and establishing their own businesses.
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Victims of Child Sexual Abuse Can Now Sue the Church
The Supreme Court has ruled that victims of child sexual abuse can now sue the Catholic Church.
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Morrison’s Election Has Sparked an Outbreak of Attempted Suicides on Manus
As detainees lose hope for the future, there’s been a spate of attempted suicides on Manus Island.
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There Are Now More Female than Male Lawyers in Australia
At least half of the lawyers in every Australian state and territory are women.
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The Law on Drug Possession in NSW
It’s time to abolish laws against drug possession..
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The Coalition’s Silence on Treaty: An Interview With Indigenous Rights Activist Lynda-June Coe
Many First Nations people see a treaty as the only viable way forward for all parties.
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AFP Raids on Journalists: How Laws Against Terrorism and Espionage Are Actually Being Used
Laws that are supposed to protect us against terrorists and spies are more to do with silencing those who are critical of the government.
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The PM’s Religious Shackles: An Interview With Professor Philip Almond
The professor explains that Pentecostalism teaches that “the godly become wealthy”, and is at odds with “social justice, social equity, civil rights, and human rights”.
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The AFP Press Raids: Towards a Totalitarian State
The raids send a strong message that whistleblowers who report misconduct in government departments and journalists who inform the public about it will face criminal prosecution.
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Folau vs Rugby Australia: An Unfair Dismissal?
Israel Folau has launched unfair dismissal proceedings against Rugby Australia.
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When is it Illegal to Use A Vehicle’s Horn?
Don’t beep at a friend or honk to get another car moving!
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Uber Drivers Are Not Employees, rules Fair Work Ombudsman
The decision could have significant implications for pay-per-job workers.
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If You’re Refused Bail, You’re Likely to Get a Harsher Sentence
A recent report found that those who are refused bail are more likely to receive a prison sentence than those who are out on bail for similar crimes.
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If you are going to court for a criminal or traffic case, call us anytime on (02) 9261 8881 to arrange a free first conference with an experienced criminal lawyer at Parramatta, the Sydney CBD, Liverpool, Penrith, Bankstown, Chatswood, Wollongong or Newcastle.