Sydney Criminal Lawyers® Weekly Rundown – Articles from 5 to 11 June 2023

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Sydney Criminal Lawyers®

In case you’ve missed any of them, here’s a rundown of the past week’s articles:

High Range Drink Driving in NSW: The Law, Penalties and Defences

Police charged 79 people with drink driving during a two-day blitz in south-west Sydney.

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The NSW Public Trustee Is Liberally Selling Off Managed Persons Assets, Says APTAGIE

There are 50,000 people across the nation whose lives, funds and assets are almost completely controlled by a public trustee or guardian.

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Churches Use New Tactic to Avoid Paying Compensation to Child Sexual Abuse Victims

Churches are now using ‘permanent stays’ to shut down court cases and thereby avoid responsibility for child sexual abuse.

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VicRoads Cancels ‘DANOUT’ Number Plates for Being ‘Offensive and Inappropriate’

A Victorian man has been told to surrender his plates or give up driving.

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Kathleen Folbigg Has Been Pardoned, But Her Criminal Convictions Remain in Place

There are calls for the case to be urgently brought before a court, to enable her four convictions to be formally quashed.

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To Which Traffic Offences Do Double-Demerit Points Apply?

Double-demerits will be in force for four days over this long weekend.

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The Roberts-Smith Atrocities Lay Bare the Lies of Australia’s Role in Afghanistan

The sad truth is Afghanistan was invaded without legal justification and soldiers like Roberts-Smith committed atrocities whilst there.

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The Time Is Ripe for Drug Law Reform in New South Wales

The abject failure of the war on drugs and success of harm reduction measures abroad makes clear it’s high to change our approach.

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The NSW Police State: Excessive Force, Lethal Assault, Strip Searches and Dog Monitoring

The lethal tasering of a 95-year old person has shone a light on the unacceptable conduct of police officers in our state.

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The History of the Role of Criminal Defence Lawyer in New South Wales

A history of the role of the criminal defence advocate from ancient times through to modern day New South Wales.

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Higgins, Wilkinson, Lehrmann: Heroes or Victims?

The nation is polarised about who should be supported and believed.

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How Do The Best Criminal Lawyers Treat Their Clients?

Empathy, respect, compassion, clear and regular communication, persistence and doggedness are some of the attributes of a good criminal lawyer.

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The Reality of the Role of a Criminal Defence Lawyer

Some think defence lawyers will lie and deceive to free those they know are guilty, but the reality is very different.

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If you are going to court for a criminal or traffic case, call us anytime on (02) 9261 8881 to arrange a free first conference with an experienced criminal lawyer at Parramatta, the Sydney CBD, Liverpool, Penrith, Bankstown, Chatswood, Wollongong, Newcastle or Sutherland.

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Sydney Criminal Lawyers® is Australia's Leading Criminal Defence firm, Delivering Outstanding Results in all Criminal and Traffic Law cases. Going to Court? Call (02) 9261 8881 for a Free Consultation.

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