Sydney Criminal Lawyers® Weekly Rundown – Articles from 8 to 14 May 2023

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Sydney Criminal Lawyers®

In case you’ve missed any of them, here’s a rundown of the past week’s articles:

Does the Use of “Ice” Lead to Violence?

The media often depicts those who use ‘ice’ as violent and out of control, but this is a misrepresentation of the facts.

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Class Action Commenced Over Covid-19 Vaccine Injuries

More than 500 people have joined a class action over injuries sustained as a result of taking Covid-19 vaccines.

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Are ‘Paedophile Hunters’ Breaking The Law?

Engaging in vigilante justice can land you on the wrong side of the criminal law.

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Can You Be Found Guilty of Drug Possession for Handling Drugs Without Your Knowledge?

The Uber Eats driver became suspicious that the package she was asked to deliver contained drugs, and reported it to police.

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A Magistrate Who Refuses a Mental Health Application Can Hear a Subsequent One

The magistrate refused to disqualify himself despite having heard and refused the defendant’s previous mental health application.

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Politicised Policing in NSW Sees Bail, Remand and Adjournments Used to Silence Dissent

Police in our state have become the attack dogs of politicians by using heavy-handed enforcement tactics to punish protesters into silence.

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Can I Drive in New South Wales on an Overseas Driver Licence?

New rules will close a loophole which has enabled foreign licence holders to accrue unlimited demerit points without being prohibited from driving.

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Brittany Higgins Inquiry: DPP Accused of Withholding Evidence from the Defence

The DPP is accused of failing to serve evidence on the defence which had the potential to undermine the complainant’s credibility.

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Firearm Suppression Orders and Firearm Prohibition Orders in New South Wales

Police have broad powers to prohibit individuals from owning or possessing firearms.

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White-Collar Crime: Definition, Categories, Evolution and Notable Cases

The crimes cost billions of dollars every year, but those at the helm of large corporations are rarely prosecuted.

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Sentencing Hearing in Limbo as Government Assistance Denied to Fraud Offender

The mastermind of a $105m tax fraud whose assets have been frozen won’t be sentenced until the issue of his legal fees is resolved.

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Jarryd Hayne Sentenced for Sexual Assault, Again

The former NRL star was sentenced to a full term of four years and nine months, with a minimum term of three years.

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National Security Law Monitor Calls for the Abolition of Continuing Detention Orders

The watchdog has called for the abolition of a mechanism which allows inmates to be kept in prison after their sentences have expired.

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Have I Been Charged With the Correct Criminal Offence?

It is important to obtain legal advice before entering a plea to a criminal or traffic offence.

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The Proposed “Voluntary” National Digital ID System May Involve Facial Recognition

“Schemes are always trumpeted as being voluntary at the beginning and are always designed on the assumption that they will become mandatory soon afterwards”.

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The Prosecution’s Duty To Disclose Evidence on the Defence

The prosecution’s job is not to push for a conviction at all costs, but to advance the interests of justice.

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What Will the DPP Consider When Deciding Whether to Prosecute a Criminal Offence?

The DPP will take a range of factors into account before deciding whether to commence or continue with a criminal prosecution.

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When Will the Prosecution Appeal Against a Court’s Decision in a Criminal Case?

Prosecutors are required to take several matters into account before appealing against a decision of the court.

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The Case of Alexander Csergo and Mounting Cold War Criminalisation in Australia

An Australian businessman is being criminally prosecuted for passing publicly available information onto two people in China.

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If you are going to court for a criminal or traffic case, call us anytime on (02) 9261 8881 to arrange a free first conference with an experienced criminal lawyer at Parramatta, the Sydney CBD, Liverpool, Penrith, Bankstown, Chatswood, Wollongong, Newcastle or Sutherland.

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