Sydney’s Rainbow Community Faces Off Rising Christian Extremism: In Digital Images

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The MC at the Christian Lives Matter rally warned the crowd they weren’t there for violence about half a dozen times to begin proceedings

The attempt to stamp out other people’s identities as they don’t comply with one’s own group’s style of dress or adult behaviour in the bedroom is a fascist tendency.

On Saturday in Hyde Park North, a group of Christian fascists rallied against queer identities, under the distorted premise that their existence is a threat to their children: the same paranoid line One Nation’s Mark Latham has been pushing on schools acting as “gender fluidity factories”.

A couple of thousand Christian Lives Matter supporters gathered in the park, seemingly unaware that, unlike the Black people in the US and Australia who have rallied under the banner of Black Lives Matter, all-powerful, majority-religion Christians in Australia are hardly a persecuted minority.

Across the way at Queen’s Square, out the front of the NSW Supreme Court, Community Action for Rainbow Rights (CARR) and other groups were counterprotesting the Christian extremists.

Although the pro-trans rights demonstrators weren’t calling for identities differing to their own to be wiped out, rather they were expressing their human right to be who they are and were pushing back against unfounded claims that queer communities pose any distinct threat to children.

Sydney Criminal Lawyers was on the ground to capture the rise of prejudicial demonstrations on local city streets fuelled by antiquated falsehoods.

CARR activist questioned how Christian Lives Matter was rallying in support of children, whilst it also turned up to rally in support of George Pell last month
CARR activist questioned how Christian Lives Matter was rallying in support of children, whilst it also turned up to rally in support of George Pell last month

A rainbow crowd rallying to uphold diversity
A rainbow crowd rallying to uphold diversity

CARR co-convenor raised the link between local events and the 380-odd anti-LGBTQ laws before United States parliaments at present
CARR co-convenor raised the link between local events and the 380-odd anti-LGBTQ laws before United States parliaments at present
Greens Inner West councillor Liz Atkins spoke of rising hate on the streets
Greens Inner West councillor Liz Atkins spoke of rising hate on the streets
Australian priest Jo Inkpin listed the recent rising incidents of vandalism aimed at LGBTIQ-friendly churches around the city
Australian priest Jo Inkpin listed the recent rising incidents of vandalism aimed at LGBTIQ-friendly churches around the city

Meanwhile, over in Hyde Park, Christian images emblazoned banners
Meanwhile, over in Hyde Park, Christian images emblazoned banners
The MC at the Christian Lives Matter rally warned the crowd they weren’t there for violence about half a dozen times to begin proceedings
The MC at the Christian Lives Matter rally warned the crowd they weren’t there for violence about half a dozen times to begin proceedings
Hateful messaging tends to breed violence, however, that's especially so when you don’t have access to a good dictionary
Hateful messaging tends to breed violence, however, that's especially so when you don’t have access to a good dictionary

And a skirmish broke out between Christian Lives Matter rallygoers and the formidable NSW police presence that was blocking the path linking the two demonstrations
And a skirmish broke out between Christian Lives Matter rallygoers and the formidable NSW police presence that was blocking the path linking the two demonstrations
But many Christian Lives Matter demonstrators didn’t support the pushing, stating that they weren’t there to shove at the police but rather they were there to protect the kid
But many Christian Lives Matter demonstrators didn’t support the pushing, stating that they weren’t there to shove at the police but rather they were there to protect the kids

Out and proud
Out and proud

Back at the rainbow rally, National Union of Students queer officer Damien Nguyen made clear that the homophobia and transphobia being expressed across the road was born out of fear
Back at the rainbow rally, National Union of Students queer officer Damien Nguyen made clear that the homophobia and transphobia being expressed across the road was born out of fear

Paul Gregoire

Paul Gregoire is a Sydney-based journalist and writer. He's the winner of the 2021 NSW Council for Civil Liberties Award For Excellence In Civil Liberties Journalism. Prior to Sydney Criminal Lawyers®, Paul wrote for VICE and was the news editor at Sydney’s City Hub.

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