The Unreported Sea of Pro-Palestinian Humanity Continues to March on Sydney: 13th Week in Photos

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Pro-Palestinian Humanity

No one contemplated the carnage Israel has been perpetrating on Gaza would be ongoing thirteen weeks on, as such was its scale to begin with that the magnitude of the humanitarian crisis that would be occurring right now would be on a fairly incomprehensible scale. But still it continues.

The other aspect that was unforeseen three months ago was that the massive outpourings of pro-Palestinian on-the-street support would be continuing on a weekly basis, including straight through the holiday period, and be sustained at such a massive scale.

“Our voices matter, because it is our voice that will either stand with the oppressor or the oppressed. There is nothing in between. It’s either the oppressed or the oppressor,” Palestine Action Group spokesperson Assala Sayara told the crowd. “And we see the oppressors.”

“I want to express my support for the Palestinian journalists who continue to make sure that the terrible war crimes, that the bombing of health facilities, killing and kidnapping of health workers, massacres of many thousands of innocent people, including babies, and use of starvation as a weapon of war,” said veteran Australian journalist Wendy Bacon, “have been communicated to the world.”

Bacon added that 107 Palestinians have now been killed. “Like others I ask, where is the outcry from journalists around the world?”

And like so many thousands of others in this city, Sydney Criminal Lawyers was out there again last Saturday to its show support.

Thousands of pro-Palestinian ralliers were making the same claim as South Africa has filed against Israel at the International Court of Justice
Thousands of pro-Palestinian ralliers were making the same claim as South Africa has filed against Israel at the International Court of Justice
Palestine Action Group Sydney’s Assala Sayara said that from Gaza to Gadigal always was and always will be
Palestine Action Group Sydney’s Assala Sayara said that from Gaza to Gadigal always was and always will be
Must be something on the voting public’s mind
Must be something on the voting public’s mind
“While you are shopping bombs are dropping”
“While you are shopping bombs are dropping”
An intergenerational movement 
An intergenerational movement 
Veteran journalist Wendy Bacon says she’s getting her news on Gaza from Al Jazeera or Mondoweiss, as their antipodean colleagues aren’t doing their job 
Veteran journalist Wendy Bacon says she’s getting her news on Gaza from Al Jazeera or Mondoweiss, as their antipodean colleagues aren’t doing their job 
In our thousands, in our millions…
In our thousands, in our millions…
Sydney streets have been filled with people calling for a ceasefire every week for 13 weeks
Sydney streets have been filled with people calling for a ceasefire every week for 13 weeks
At tipping point 
At tipping point 
From the river to the sea…
From the river to the sea…

Paul Gregoire

Paul Gregoire is a Sydney-based journalist and writer. He's the winner of the 2021 NSW Council for Civil Liberties Award For Excellence In Civil Liberties Journalism. Prior to Sydney Criminal Lawyers®, Paul wrote for VICE and was the news editor at Sydney’s City Hub.

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