Sydney Criminal Lawyers® Weekly Rundown – Articles from 16 to 22 January 2023

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Sydney Criminal Lawyers®

In case you’ve missed any of them, here’s a rundown of the past week’s articles:

Terrorism-Related Offences: Entering or Remaining in a Declared Area

A woman is facing court for allegedly entering and remaining in parts of Syria that were off-limits to Australians at the time.

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The Offence of Making a False Representation to a Police Officer in NSW

A man is facing court for allegedly faking his own kidnapping on New Year’s Eve.

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Which Groups Does Australia List as ‘Terrorist Organisations’?

Here are the 29 groups Australia currently lists as terrorist organisations.

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Robot Lawyer Set to Argue First Case

The developers claim, “the law is almost like code and language combined, so it’s the perfect use case for AI.”

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Prosecutors Routinely Ignore Their Legal Duty to Serve Evidence on the Defence

Prosecutors in Australia are routinely ignoring their legal obligation to provide the defence with all relevant evidence.

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Australia Continues to Stall on Human Rights, Finds Annual HRW Report

The report found Australia continues to rank poorly in terms of upholding freedom and justice.

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Pell’s Passing Marks Justice Unserved and Exposes the Power of a Corrupt Church

Despite his successful appeal, many believe both Mr Pell and the Catholic Church remain responsible for child sexual offences.

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No Crime, No Time: ISJA’s Dave Pollock on Reforming Victoria’s Harsh Bail Regime

Those ‘at risk from poverty, family violence, homelessness or mental illness’ are disproportionately behind bars without a finding of guilt.

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The Importance of Terminology: Paedophile vs Child Sex Offender vs Minor Attracted Person

Scottish police have come under fire for labelling child sex offenders as “minor attracted people”.

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Pokies Out of NSW Pubs and Clubs, Says Greens MLC Faehrmann, as Labor Trial Set to Fail

The harms caused by pokies include, “loss of work, productivity, mental health issues, financial problems and family breakdowns.”

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Kidnapping: A Prevalent Crime Throughout the Ages

The practice of detaining persons against their will has been prevalent in societies throughout history.

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In an Age of Unprecedented Polycrisis, “Taxing the Rich is Vital”, Declares Oxfam

Oxfam has called on governments to tax the wealthiest 1% of the population up to 75% to address the recent growth in economic inequality.

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Australian Police Continue to Apply Prone Restraint Despite Multiple Deaths

Officers are continuing to use the potentially lethal technique of applying pressure to a person while they are restrained face-down.

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Father of Two Shot Dead by NSW Police Officer

Police will decide whether the officer’s use of lethal force was justified.

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US Escalates Its Militarisation of Australia, Under Albanese

Australia continues to pander to its master, rather than stand on its own feet.

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