Sydney Criminal Lawyers® Weekly Rundown – Articles from 20 to 26 February 2023

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Justice NSW

In case you’ve missed any of them, here’s a rundown of the past week’s articles:

Queensland Police Target Divergent Thought Considered as Dangerous

The state’s police have been directed to report all matters involving sovereign citizens, religious extremists and conspiracy theorists.

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Government Continues “the Lavish Use of Public Money” to Prosecute Whistleblowers

Labor promised transparency and accountability, but has spent $7.6 million prosecuting those who expose crime and corruption.

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What Is Voluntary Manslaughter?

A woman beat a man to death after he showed her images of child pornography, and asked her to roleplay.

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NSW Police Searches Target the Vulnerable, Report Confirms

The report confirms police are disproportionately targeting youths, First Nations people and low socio-economic areas.

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Woolworths Under Fire for Introducing Customer Surveillance Cameras

There are concerns data will be collected on shoppers and used for purposes other than just efficiency and loss prevention.

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Interpreting Blood Stain Patterns: Science or Speculation?

Movies and TV shows present blood stain patterns as telling a clear story. But that’s not necessarily the case.

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Facebook Administrators Must Not Tolerate Hate-Speech or the Incitement of Violence

A Facebook page where followers express concerns about crime in Alice Springs has been suspended for breaching guidelines.

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Social Media Influencers Under Investigation for Fraud

More than 100 social media accounts are being investigated over alleged conduct that could amount to fraud.

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When Can Police and other Law Enforcement Agencies Access Your Private Data?

Australian law enforcement agencies have broad powers to access your private data, without even needing a warrant.

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Should Parents Who Unintentionally Leave Children to Die in Hot Cars Be Charged with Involuntary Manslaughter?

A Sydney man won’t be charged after accidentally leaving his 3-year old to die in a hot car.

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Midnight House Arrest Politically Motivated, Says Student Housing Activist Cherish Kuehlmann

Police arrested the activist at her home in the middle of the night over the previous day’s protest regarding the housing affordability crisis.

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Sydney Solicitor Cleared of Sexual Assault Allegations

A criminal defence lawyer has been found not guilty of sexually assaulting a colleague in the workplace.

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What Are the Rules and Penalties for Driving in a Bus Lane in NSW?

There are situations where it is perfectly legal to drive or ride in a bus lane, but also circumstances where it attracts heavy penalties.

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Courts Must Not Consider General Deterrence When Sentencing Mentally Ill Defendants

A man convicted of serious drug offences had his sentence reduced on appeal as his mental health condition meant considerations of general deterrence did not apply.

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The US Can Secretly Rotate Nuclear Warheads Through Australia

Our nation once again panders to its master, afraid of insisting that US bombers won’t be carrying nuclear warheads over Australia.

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A History of the New South Wales Crime Commission

The law enforcement agency with extraordinary investigative powers and little oversight has had a chequered history, to say the least.

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Government’s Press Freedom Roundtable is Futile if Assange’s Persecution is Ignored

The attorney general has scheduled a conference on press freedoms that will ignore the persecution of Julian Assange.

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Royal Commission into Robodebt: Too Little, Too Late for Many Australians

Those responsible for the government’s illegal extortion scheme must be held accountable.

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Corruption Pervades Police Forces in Australia and the United Kingdom

Corruption is endemic within policing organisations across Australia and the UK, with remarkably similar crimes being committed.

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Nonreligious Marginalised as NSW Privileges Religious Voice, Warns Rationalist Society’s Meredith Doig

The major parties are establishing a Faith Affairs Council to give “religious organisations a strong advocate within… our decision-making process”.

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“We’re Seeing No Substantial Change”: School Strike 4 Climate’s Ethan Lyons on a Viable Future

Our state’s youth will be standing up to demand that those in power take real action to protect their future.

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