Sydney Criminal Lawyers® Weekly Rundown – Articles from 13 to 19 February 2023

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Sydney Criminal Lawyers®

In case you’ve missed any of them, here’s a rundown of the past week’s articles:

Is BDSM a Criminal Offence in New South Wales?

A man is facing court over an “obedient BDSM relationship” with several women on his rural property near Armidale.

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Taking The Piss: Is Urinating in a Public Place a Crime in New South Wales?

A man who relieved himself from the rooftop of the SCG was charged with offensive conduct. But is public urination always a crime?

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Towards Rights-Based Bail, and the Chilling Effect of Extreme Conditions on Climate Action

“Lawyers should be speaking out publicly about the application of bad laws… [including the way] bail conditions… [are] being used” to silence dissent.

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What is the Definition of Sexual Consent in New South Wales?

New laws make it easier for prosecutors to convict those accused of sexual offences such as sexual assault, sexual touching and sexual act.

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What Are the New Sexual Consent Laws in New South Wales?

The laws redefine sexual consent and other terms, as well as set down new rules about how judges must direct jurors.

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Former Sexual Assault Suspect Sues Media Giants for Defamation

The man whose career and reputation were destroyed as a result of heavily biased mainstream media reporting is suing for damages.

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Wong Rules Out War Powers Reform, Despite Parliamentary Inquiry Underway

Labor has ruled out transferring the power to make decisions regarding going to war from the PM to parliament.

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Tips For Testifying in Court as a Witness

Understanding the court process and what may be required can make it a lot easier to testify on the witness stand.

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Out of the Coalition Playbook: Albanese Blocks Deportation Loophole in Migration Law

Labor has broken its pre-election promise to give greater rights to immigration detainees.

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The Duty of Care Owed by Corrections Officers Towards Prisoner Inmates

The death of a woman whose pleas for help were ignored by prison guards has triggered debate about the duty of care owed towards those in custody.

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Australia is “A Human Rights Pariah”: Senator Nick McKim on Evacuating Offshore Detainees to Safety

“Offshore detention has been a dark and bloody chapter in our story, and we want this legislation to help write the ending to that chapter.”

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Police May Use Serious Crime Prevention Orders to Combat Domestic Violence

The orders can severely restrict the lives of suspects for up to 5 years, whether or not they have ever been convicted of an offence.

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NSW Government Continues to Reject Pill Testing, Despite Deadly Consequences

Rather than introduce lifesaving pill testing in response to another drug-related music festival death, Perrottet told the public to ‘stay safe and don’t take drugs’.

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The Advantages of Activists Self-Representing: An Interview With NT Lawyer Russell Goldflam

A lawyer in the NT believes an advantage of self-representing is to have an opportunity to communicate political views.

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The New Consent Directions in Jury Trials for Sexual Offences

The new directions assume jurors can’t judge for themselves whether a complainant is telling the truth.

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AFP Commissioner Avoids Questions About Police Assault of Peaceful Protester

The Senator put to the Police Chief, “If I was going to detain… a peaceful protester, I would… ensure that they didn’t get three broken ribs and fractured vertebrae”.

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Coronial Inquest Into First Nations Teen in State Care Triggers Concerns of Systemic Abuse

The inquest highlighted flaws in the child protection system which expose youths to harmful, toxic and potentially dangerous environments.

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