Sydney Criminal Lawyers® Weekly Rundown – Articles from 25 to 31 May 2020

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Sydney Criminal Lawyers®

In case you’ve missed any of them, here’s a rundown of the past week’s articles:

Government Forces Messaging Platforms to Surrender Information

Recent laws enable Australian law enforcement agencies to access information shared on platforms such as Facebook Messenger.

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Government Moves to Silence Immigration Detainees Under Cover of COVID

The government has used its ‘emergency sitting days’ to introduce laws enabling authorities to confiscate the mobile phones of asylum seekers.

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Coroner Recommends the Criminalisation of Catfishing

A woman committed suicide after her former female partner pretended to be a man, seduced her and then had the fake identity break up with her.

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China Continues to Detain Tibet’s Second Highest Leader 25 Years On

Amidst concerns the Chinese government will appoint a new Dalai Lama, it should be remembered that the regime kidnapped the Panchen Lama 25 years ago and appointed another to take his place.

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COVID Commission’s Gas Fuelled Recovery Is Grounded in Climate Denial

The fossil fuel industry-driven COVID-19 commission is recommending a massive expansion in gas mining.

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RIP Press Freedom: PM Pressures ABC to Change Report About COVID-19 App

The Prime Minister’s office has been caught pressuring the national broadcaster to change a news report about the COVID-19 tracing app.

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“Seven Dark Years in Detention for What?”: An Interview With Kangaroo Point Detainee Abdullah Moradi

Despite ratifying the Refugee Convention in 1954, Australian authorities have left those fleeing persecution locked up for years on end.

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Premier Freezes Public Sector Pay, Having Approved 15% Pay Rise to Police Commissioner

Ms Berejiklian has announced a pay freeze on nurses and other public sector workers, despite recently approving an $87,000 pay rise for the Police Commissioner.

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Man Imprisoned for Assaulting and Raping Own Mother

“People under… [the] influence are prone to commit criminal offences… including acts of the utmost evil, which is what I’m dealing with here”, the judge remarked.

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Good People Break Bad Laws: The Criminalisation of Whistleblowers

Those who expose crime and corruption by the Australian government are criminally prosecuted rather than protected.

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Uniting Against Police Brutality: Officer Murders Civilian on Busy Street

Rioting continues on the streets of Minneapolis, after shocking video emerged of police showing callous disregard for the life of a black man.

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When Can Officers Perform Body Cavity Searches?

As preparations are made for a class action lawsuit against the NSW Police Force over illegal searches, here’s a thumbnail sketch of the rules relating to one of the most intrusive forms of search.

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A Royal Commission Into Child Removals Now: An Interview With NSPTRP’s Megan Krakouer

“Child protection, a $6 billion plus industry… is a cascade of seismic failures that now guarantee escalating rates of child removals. This crisis is the most damning indictment of the Australian nation.”

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Sydney Lawyer Allegedly Sacked for Refusing to Lie

“I’m a solicitor and can’t include something in an affidavit which I know isn’t true”.

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Dutton Continues to Build the Surveillance State

The home affairs minister used the emergency sittings of parliament to introduce laws which further expand the powers of law enforcement.

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