Sydney Criminal Lawyers® Weekly Rundown – Articles from 27 February to 5 March 2023

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Sydney Criminal Lawyers®

In case you’ve missed any of them, here’s a rundown of the past week’s articles:

Political Prosecutions: Abusing the Justice Process for Political Advantage

It’s happened to many, from Scotland’s first minister to Julian Assange – abusing the court process to silence dissent and gain political advantage.

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UN Detainee Torture Prevention Committee Cancels Recalcitrant Australia

The committee tasked with inspecting detention centres has cancelled its trip after being told it would be denied access.

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Free Speech versus Censorship: Where Should the Line be Drawn?

The decision to prohibit sale of a magazine that published sensitive information highlights the dangers of government censorship.

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Nauru Hunger Strikers Medevaced to Australia, After a Decade Detained Offshore

Two refugees inhumanely detained on the tiny island for a decade despite committing no crime have been medevaced to Australia following a hunger strike.

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Queensland Set to Introduce Pill Testing

The decision to introduce pill testing has been welcomed by many critics of the state’s normally punitive approach to crime.

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Evolution of Contempt of Court Charges

There was a time when interfering with the administration of justice was punishable by death.

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Are ‘Recovered’ Memories of Childhood Abuse Reliable?

There are many examples of ‘memories’ being wrong or implanted through suggestion.

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NSW Police with Drug Dogs Saturate Global Mardi Gras: An Interview With Greens MLC Cate Faehrmann

“I sat and watched with disgust as dozens of police with dogs… [were] taking away members of our queer community and strip searching them”.

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A History of Crime: Investigations, Trials and Punishments

Where did the word ‘crime’ come from? When and where was the first recorded murder? And how have crimes been investigated, tried and punished over time?

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What is the Mental Element of Murder in New South Wales?

A man was found not guilty of murder over the killing of a trans sex worker in Sydney because the mental element was not proven.

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“Censorship by Omission”: Megan Krakouer on the Suppression of Black Opposition to the Voice

“First up, white leaders… need to shut up and leave the foundations of the ways forward to us… Then we can all talk.”

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A History of the Codification of Law and the Separation of Powers

Laws are meant to promote justice and equality – but legal systems invariably continue to have significant issues in that regard.

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Fatal Police Shootings Are at An All Time High in Australia

Police say they had just seconds to react before fatally shooting a knife-wielding man in Sydney’s West.

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Victorian Medical Cannabis Driving Reform Likely: Interview With Legalise Cannabis MLC David Ettershank

Victoria may soon put an end to laws which unjustly criminalise medicinal cannabis users.

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Is it a Crime to Produce, Possess or Distribute AI Generated Child Pornography?

A man in Spain is being prosecuted for generating “deep fake” pornography depicting children.

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The Link Between Alcohol and Crime in Australia

One of the most destructive drugs available is also the most accessible and accepted.

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How Do I Check if a Warrant is Out for My Arrest?

An arrest warrant can be issued by a magistrate or judge in a range of circumstances.

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Police Cannot Enter Private Land Without a Warrant If Prohibited by a Trespass Sign

The court ordered police to pay damages for entering private property to ask questions about an alleged COVID breach.

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NSW Greens to Legalise Recreational Cannabis, and Overhaul Drug Driving

The Party is introducing legislation which would finally legalise cannabis possession and stop criminalising medicinal cannabis users for driving.

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While ‘Cops Out of Mardi Gras’ Is Nothing New, the Reaction to Thorpe’s Agitating Is

Senator Thorpe has been attacked by the media once again, this time for opposing the presence of police at the Mardi Gras.

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Palaszczuk’s Punitive Youth Justice Reforms are Misguided and Potentially Unlawful

Queensland’s harsh new measures against youth offending are likely to be ineffective, as well as contravene the state’s Human Rights Act.

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