Sydney Criminal Lawyers® Weekly Rundown – Articles from 6 to 12 March 2023

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Sydney Criminal Lawyers®

In case you’ve missed any of them, here’s a rundown of the past week’s articles:

Honour Killings: Committing Murder to Restore Reputation

The killing of a person to protect the perceived dignity of a family is seen as honourable in some parts of the world to this very day.

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Should Women Be Sent to Prison While Pregnant?

Some nations defer prison sentences imposed on pregnant women, while others impose only non-custodial penalties.

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What is ‘Fair and Reasonable Overtime’ in Australia?

A political staffer failed to get her job back after being sacked for refusing to work over 70 hours a week.

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Locals Say Fuck Off, As Christian Fascists Descend Upon Newtown

The community made clear they won’t tolerate bigotry by a far-right group with a victim complex who call themselves Christian Lives Matter.

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I’ve Been Accused of a Criminal Offence: Will I Get Bail?

One of the first questions often asked by those facing serious criminal charges is, will I get bail?

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Mark Standen: Corrupt Crime Commission Czar

The story of the corrupt assistant director of the NSW Crime Commission shows how absolute power corrupts absolutely.

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Belmarsh Tribunal Calls on Albanese to Truly Take Action on Assange’s “Death by Process”

The tribunal participants are demanding that our PM deliver on his pre-election promise to take active steps to secure Assange’s release.

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The Rules Regarding the Legality of Brothels in New South Wales

Brothels are legal in our state, provided they are licensed and certain rules are followed.

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The Offence Slavery in Australia

The effective ownership of one person by another persists across the globe, including right here in Australia.

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Taxpayers Fund Forest Depletion in NSW: Knitting Nanna Dominique Jacobs on Stopping Logging

“We’re bringing this case to defend our freedom to protest from the NSW government’s new antiprotest laws.”

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The Law on Attempts to Commit Offences in New South Wales

A new series on Amazon Prime raises questions about whether it against the law to attempt but fail to commit an offence.

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NSW Police Falsely Claimed that Violet Coco Blocked an Ambulance

The court hearing exposed the fact police fabricated claims the activist attempted to block an ambulance during a protest.

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What is the Time Limit for Commencing Defamation Proceedings?

The man previously accused of sexually assaulting Brittany Higgins is applying for an extension of time to file his defamation lawsuit.

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Hillsong Church Accused of Financial Crimes

Church leaders are accused of using tax-exempt income unlawfully and misleading donors about the use of their funds.

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Sydney Animal Liberationists Call on Government to End Lawful Systemic Abuses

Animal liberationists rallied in Sydney against laws which enable systemic cruelty to animals and persecute those who take action against it.

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Can I Object to a Coronial Autopsy?

Hearing that a loved-one will be subjected to a post-mortem can be distressing, but you may be able to prevent the procedure from occurring.

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Locked Up for Telling the Truth: Activist Stephen Langford on Rising Authoritarianism

The activist has once again been arrested after pasting the truth about Governor Lachlan Macquarie on a statue in Hyde Park.

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Vaccine Mandates Remain in Force Across Many Industries and Workplaces

Many workers continue to be out of work for choosing not to be vaccinated, despite the threat of Covid subsiding.

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The Offence of Supplying a Prohibited Drug Causing Death in New South Wales

The offence of drug supply causing death was enacted to appease the mainstream media, but it may be doing more harm than good.

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Catholic Church Delivers ‘Low Blow’ to Avoid Responsibility for Child Sexual Abuse

The Church is arguing that despite enabling and concealing child sexual abuse, it should not be held responsible after a perpetrator dies.

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Stop the Cultural Genocide: Sydney’s Tibetan Community Rallies Against Colonial Schools

Tibetans gathered in Sydney to protest China’s practise of forcing their children to abandon their own culture in favour of Han Chinese.

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There’s a Dire Need for a National Forensic Science Authority

Botched, inaccurate and blatantly fabricated forensic testing has led to calls for a national regulator.

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