Mother Accused of Murdering Baby Daughter

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Bathroom tap

Police are still trying to unravel the mystery surrounding the shock finding of a two-year old girl’s body wrapped in a towel in a home in Sydney’s south-west.

The girl’s mother faced Penrith Local Court this morning via videolink, charged with murdering her two-year old daughter, after the little girl’s body was found in the bathtub of the family home.

The toddler was allegedly found by a family friend at about lunchtime on Tuesday, at a home in Miller.

Friend concerned for baby’s welfare

The friend, who had been trying to contact the mother for several days, became concerned and decided to visit the home. When she realised no one was there, she approached neighbours asking if they had seen the little girl, then asked to borrow a ladder.

When the friend couldn’t get into the house, police were called and the toddler’s body was found.

Police launched an investigation, leading them to a hospital in the Blue Mountains where they arrested a 27-year old woman, who is understood to be the child’s mother.

Forensic experts believe the toddler may have been dead for several days. Crime scene investigators remained at the home until late last night, trying to piece together the circumstances surrounding the two-year-old’s death.

A post-mortem examination will attempt to determine the cause of death, and its results will influence the direction of further inquiries, police said.

Police remain baffled

The mother was arrested overnight and formally charged with murder. Police have not released any further information, and have not confirmed reports that the mother was in a car accident in the Blue Mountains over the weekend.

The neighbours say the woman and her boyfriend broke up last Friday, adding they are not aware of a history of violence in the household.

The house, which property records show belongs to the Department of Housing, remained a crime scene this morning, as forensic police continued to sift through all of the potential evidence.

Detectives are expected to speak with the girl’s relatives in a bid to determine the chain of events leading to her tragic death.

Murder in NSW

In New South Wales, murder carries a maximum sentence of life imprisonment – and an offender who receives the maximum penalty is ordered to spend the rest of their natural lives behind bars, unless to court imposes a ‘non parole period’ (which is the minimum term a person must spend behind bars before becoming eligible to apply for release).

The woman has not been charged with infanticide, because the child was over 12 months old.

She has not applied for bail and her case has been adjourned to Campbelltown Local Court on November 9.

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