Sydney Criminal Lawyers® Weekly Rundown – Articles from 1 to 7 November 2021

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Sydney Criminal Lawyers®

In case you’ve missed any of them, here’s a rundown of the past week’s articles:

US and UK Continue to Torture Assange, as Morrison Complaisantly Looks On

Our government continues in its refusal to assist the award-winning Australian truth-teller.

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Vaccination Discrimination: Medically Exempted Waiter Shut Out of Hospitality Industry

A waiter with a medical exemption has been unable to regain his employment due to being unvaccinated.

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COVID Restriction Breaches Were Driven by Police Enforcement, Report Finds

BOCSAR has unsurprisingly confirmed that COVID fines have been commensurate with the degree and location of police deployments.

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COVID-19 Vaccines: Raising Bars, Booster Shots and Widening the ‘Freedom’ Gap

The new goal is 95%, booster shots are being touted and ‘freedoms’ have been brought forward for the vaccinated while pushed back for the unvaccinated.

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Allocating Funds to Win Seats: Pork Barrelling is Just Politics, says Gladys

There are calls for requirements to be placed on politicians to allocate taxpayer funds based on merit.

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As Australia Cops Out at COP26, Extinction Rebellion Targets Sydney Opera House

Although the Murdoch media has until recently rejected climate change, the science establishes we need to change to protect future generations.

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COVID-19: Courts Consider the Risk of Infection When Determining the Appropriate Sentence

The court considered the risk of infection behind bars when determining the appropriate penalty.

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Climate Action, Not Global Cop Out: An Interview With Workers for Climate Action’s Caitlin Doyle-Markwick

As the climate summit takes place in Glasgow, people around the globe are fighting to ensure governments protect future generations.

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Legalising Hemp Leaf Foods: An Interview With Industry Pioneer Andrew Kavasilas

The reformists who successfully campaigned for hempseed foods to be legalised in 2017 are now pushing for the same for hemp plant foods.

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Surveillance State Grows Under the Cover of COVID

Just after passing the pervasive Identify and Disrupt laws, the government has now introduced another law to further enhance its power to monitor and control citizens.

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Calls to Depopulate the NSW Prison System, as COVID Claims It First Inmate

Justice Action has commenced legal proceedings for nonviolent inmates to be released unless authorities protect them from COVID while complying with rules against prolonged confinement.

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Want to Keep Your Jobs and ‘Freedoms’? Get the COVID-19 Booster Shot

The NSW government is now hinting that those vaccinated more than 6 months ago who don’t get a booster shot may lose their social status.

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Even With the Leaked Texts, Macron Was Right, Morrison Is a Liar

The French president has called Scott Morrison a liar – a label our prime minister could find difficult to refute.

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Vale Lanz Priestley: The Mayor of Martin Place

The man who helped thousands of rough sleepers through the toughest times of their lives has sadly passed away.

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