Sydney Criminal Lawyers® Weekly Rundown – Articles from 16 to 22 November 2020

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Sydney Criminal Lawyers®

In case you’ve missed any of them, here’s a rundown of the past week’s articles:

Government Settles Robodebt, But Ministers Remain Unaccountable

The federal government will pay $1.2 billion to settle the lawsuit against its illegal Robodebt extortion scheme.

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NSW Government to Face Another Corruption Investigation

ICAC is set to investigate a deal whereby the Coalition paid $53.5m for land worth $15.5m.

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NSW Drug Supply Offences, Deemed Supply and the Overturning of the Clark Principle

The law no longer requires that a ‘substantial drug supply’ in the absence of ‘exceptional circumstances’ must result in prison time.

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Christian Porter: A National Security Risk Waiting to Happen

The federal attorney-general has been implicated in a raft of questionable conduct while in office.

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Reining in Police Powers: Shoebridge on His Drug Dog and Strip Search Bill

A bill has introduced into parliament which would, if passed, dramatically reduce the use of strip searches and sniffer dogs.

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In the Public Interest: An Interview With Former Military Lawyer David McBride

The inquiry has found that Australian soldiers murdered at least 39 unarmed civilians, but the man who reported this continues to face criminal prosecution.

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Government’s Attack Dogs Raid Union Properties

Police are intent on raiding unions rather than “banks for money laundering.. politicians’ offices for funding rorts… [and] companies for tax rorts and wage theft.”

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Military Whistleblower Not Allowed to Choose His Own Lawyer: An Interview With David McBride

Our second interview with the former military lawyer being criminally prosecuted for revealing the truth about Australian war crimes in Afghanistan.

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Most Australians Supported the Lockdown, But Not the Police Overreach

Police officers have demonstrated that “absolute power corrupts absolutely”.

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Anti-Money Laundering and Counter-Terrorism Financing Laws in Australia

The Barangaroo Casino has been blocked from opening over money laundering concerns .

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Self-Determination Upheld: An Interview With Brewarrina First Nations People’s David Kirby

The government sponsored local decision-making system is failing First Nations people.

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Skewed Priorities: Qld Premier Under Fire Over Inconsistent COVID Restrictions

50,000 at the footie, but can’t attend a funeral.

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State-Sanctioned Sexual Assault: The Rally to Ban Strip Searches at Silverwater Gaol

‘[S]trip searching is sanctioned by the state to purposefully degrade us, humiliate us and to have a power over us”.

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Barry Jones’ Summing Up of Australia’s “Unconscionable” Treatment of Refugees

“Australia has committed gross, unconscionable breaches” of international law in the treatment of refugees.

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