Sydney Criminal Lawyers® Weekly Rundown – Articles from 12 to 18 October 2020

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Sydney Criminal Lawyers®

In case you’ve missed any of them, here’s a rundown of the past week’s articles:

Victorian Police Flex Their COVID Muscles

Officers have conducted hundreds of ‘spot checks’ on homes and businesses, and fined one group $21,000 for allegedly breaching restrictions.

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Trans Rights Activists Triumph Over Protest Ban, Police Respond With Force

The protesters remained defiant in the face of a court order and heavy-handed policing.
Meanwhile, 11,000 people were allowed to attend a racing event.

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Sydney Doctor Sent to Prison for Sexually Assaulting Patients

The doctor has been sentenced to six years behind bars for committing sexual offences against five female patients aged 16 to 29 as they slept.

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Should Gladys Resign?

Some feel the intercepts suggest knowledge or at least wilful blindness about shady deals, while others believe a person’s private life should remain just that.

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Sydney University Caught Colluding With NSW Police Over Protests: The SRC’s Jack Mansell Speaks Out

Emails obtained through FOI reveal that university staff have been colluding with NSW police to crack down on campus protests.

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NSW to Consider Coercive Control Laws, As National Campaign Picks Up

New laws could be introduced which criminalise the domination and control of domestic partners.

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Should it Be a Crime to Exert ‘Coercive Control’ Over a Domestic Partner?

The NSW Parliament is considering a law which would make it a crime to isolate and control a domestic partner through coercive means.

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Sexual Assault, Stalking and Suicide: The Dark Side of Tinder

Tinder has been criticised for failing to take adequate steps to protect users from predators.

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Every Dog Has His Day: Angus the Schnauzer Wins in the NSW Supreme Court

The NSW Court of Appeal found that bans on pets in strata properties are unlawful.

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Sydney University Students Heighten Protest Campaign, As Police Escalate Use of Force

Police continue to use heavy-handed tactics against student protesters.

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Get the Hell Out of Bed With Santos, Gladys, Warns Extinction Rebellion

A nonviolent protest outside state parliament called on the premier to get out of the fossil fuel industry’s bed.

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The Budget’s Climate Denial: An Interview With Economics Professor John Quiggin

The Morrison government has delivered a budget that continues its fossil fuel agenda, despite the recent climate-driven bushfire crisis.

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What is ‘Excessive Force’ During an Arrest in NSW?

Police violently arrested a law professor who was observing a student protest at Sydney University.

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Calls for Reform Around Police Body-Worn Cameras: An Interview With ALA’s Jeremy King

Officers can turn the cameras on and off as they please, and are not required to produce the footage in certain proceedings.

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Did Gladys Berejiklian Breach Her Legal Obligation to Report ‘Possible Corruption’?

“I don’t need to know about that bit”.

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Federal Politicians Under Criminal Investigation Over Dodgy Land Deal

A criminal investigation has been launched after the government paid $32.8 million to Liberal party donors for land valued at $3 million.

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