Sydney Criminal Lawyers® Weekly Rundown – Articles from 21 to 27 September 2020

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Sydney Criminal Lawyers®

In case you’ve missed any of them, here’s a rundown of the past week’s articles:

Protests Erupt Over Yet Another Indigenous Death In Police Custody

South East Queensland has erupted into protests over the death of yet another Indigenous woman in police custody.

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Time to Ditch the Wig and Down the Gown

There are calls to do away with legal attire associated with Australia’s colonial past.

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Time to Repeal the Crime of Offensive Language

Police are using the crime of offensive language to target vulnerable members of the community, rather than protect the public from actual abuse.

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RIP Ruth Bader Ginsburg: Champion of Gender Equality

“Fight for the things you care about, but do it in a way that will lead others to join you.”

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“A Blatant Attempt to Repress Protests”: An Interview With Sydney Uni Arrestee Adam Adelpour

A Sydney activist was arrested and charged with breaching a public health order despite the campus protests comprising groups of less than 20 people.

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Sydney Criminal Lawyer Charged with Aggravated Sexual Assault

The lawyer is fighting to suppress the publication of his name, fearing the proceedings will expose allegations of the “salacious cocaine-riddled culture of his law firm”.

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Victoria Plans to Lock Up Those Who Fail to Self Isolate

Victoria is proposing laws to enable the forced detention of anyone who tests positive to Covid, or comes into close contact with a Covid sufferer, if they fail to self-isolate.

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Protect Trans Kids, Kill Latham’s Bills: An Interview With CARR’s April Holcombe

“If this bill were to pass, it would be the single greatest blow to civil rights for LGBTIQ people.”

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Sydney Uni Students Beat the Ban on Protests

“Democracy dies when people don’t come out. We need to fight. We need mass action, with students, staff and progressive people on the streets to win back the right to protest.”

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Suppression and Non-Publication Orders in New South Wales

A Sydney criminal lawyer accused of aggravated sexual assault is fighting to have his details and that of his law firm suppressed.

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Biggest Ever Anti Money Laundering Payout, But No Executives Criminally Prosecuted

Westpac has been ordered to pay $1.3 billion for 22 million breaches of anti-money laundering and counter-terrorism financing laws, but banking executives are not being prosecuted.

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Major NSW Parties Vote Down Law Against Sexual Predators in the Police Force

The major parties voted against an amendment which sought to ensure that “sexual misconduct [by police officers] reduces… [their] promotional opportunities”.

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The Nation Will Pay for Morrison’s Attack on Universities

The Coalition has been carrying out a sustained attack against universities under the cover of COVID.

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Magistrate Blasts Criminal Cops, Awards Defendant $100k in Legal Costs

The police commissioner has backed the officers who assaulted NRL player Curtis Scott, despite the case being thrown out of court and costs being ordered against police.

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Escalation in Policing Is a Sign of What’s to Come in a Time of Austerity

There are concerns that restrictions on freedom and heavy-handed enforcement are gradually being normalised, and will continue beyond the pandemic.

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