Sydney Criminal Lawyers® Weekly Rundown – Articles from 22 to 28 February 2021

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Sydney Criminal Lawyers®

In case you’ve missed any of them, here’s a rundown of the past week’s articles:

Scott Morrison “Very Upset” About Alleged Sexual Assaults in Parliament

Three women have now come forward alleging the man sexually assaulted them.

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Is the COVID-19 Vaccine Rollout a Step in the Right Direction?

Twenty people were arrested over the weekend while protesting the government’s rollout of the COVID-19 vaccine.

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NSW Court of Criminal Appeal Court Reduces “Crushing” Sentence of Convicted Fraudster

The appeal court reduced the prison term given to a man convicted of defrauding vulnerable community members out of $7.6 million.

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The PM Can’t Empathise With Women, So It’s No Wonder the Culture is Toxic

Mr Morrison sought his wife’s advice to “clarify… things” about sexual assault allegations.

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Should the Identity of the Alleged Parliament House Sexual Assailant Be Made Public?

There is debate about whether the man’s name should be made public, despite the fact he has not been charged with a criminal offence.

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The New Offence of Combined Drink and Drug Driving in New South Wales

The new laws increase the penalties for drink driving, where the presence of an illicit drug is detected.

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Paltry ‘JobSeeker Raise’ Will Not Increase Employment or Help the Economy

The permanent raise of just $3.57 more than pre-COVID could make it harder for job seekers to find work and reduce desperately needed spending.

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Australia’s Immigration Policy Is Unfairly Impacting NZ Citizens: An Interview With Oz Kiwi’s Joanne Cox

There are calls to restore arrangements which enable free movement between Australia and New Zealand without risk of deportation.

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What Does the Law Say About Consent in Sexual Assault Cases?

Chantel’s story has inspired many others to report alleged sexual assaults in schools.

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NSW Greens Deliver Workable and Timely Cannabis Legalisation Bill

A comprehensive plan to legalise and regulate cannabis has been introduced into parliament.

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Alternate Mardi Gras to March on Oxford: An Interview With Pride in Protest’s Evan Van Zijl

A protest march will take place with a view to bringing back the radical roots of the LGBTIQ pride event.

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Uncle Ray Jackson on Aboriginal “Murders by Neglect” in Custody

Uncle Ray Jackson’s 1996 speech about Aboriginals dying in custody due to neglect holds true to this day.

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Coalition Refuses to Act Against the Threat of Far-Right Extremism

Murdoch and the Coalition will demonise Muslims, but the fact of the matter is that the real threat against Australians is by far-right extremism.

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The Crime of Concealing a Serious Indictable Offence

The AFP has warned the Prime Minister about members of his party possibly concealing information relating to alleged sexual assaults.

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