Sydney Criminal Lawyers® Weekly Rundown – Articles from 10 to 16 August 2020

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Sydney Criminal Lawyers®

In case you’ve missed any of them, here’s a rundown of the past week’s articles:

Three Charged Over Alleged COVID-19 Superannuation Scam

Three women have been charged with attempting to unlawfully access more than $100,000 of other people’s superannuation.

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The Xiao Error: Failing to Discount for Guilty Pleas in Commonwealth Cases

Judges are required to reduce the sentences of those who plead guilty, as this saves court time and community resources.

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COVID-19: The Inadvertent Champion of the Police State

“Temporary measures introduced during the emergency, such as harsh legislative measures and new surveillance tools, are likely to remain a permanent feature of the new normal”.

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Maccas Sues Former CEO Over Alleged Sexual Relationships with Employees

The fast food giant has commenced legal proceedings against its former CEO over claims he had consensual sexual relationships with employees.

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Exposing the Cost of NSW Police Misconduct: An Interview With David Shoebridge

There are calls for the release of data regarding payouts for police brutality and other forms of misconduct.

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CovidSafe: Useful or Another Federal Government Bungle?

Inaccurate tracking, incorrect alerts, potentially dangerous interference with health monitoring apps and continuing privacy concerns are some of the criticisms levelled against CovidSafe.

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“The New Paternalism”: Professor Chelsea Bond on the Reworked Closing the Gap

The federal government’s reworked Closing the Gap strategy is little more than a continuation of paternalistic policies towards Indigenous people.

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Police Officer Chokes and Trips Woman Who is Not Wearing a Mask

Footage has emerged of a Victorian police officer choking a person who was not wearing a mask, after she allegedly gave police the middle finger.

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Berejikilian’s Bogus Eviction Ban Has Left Clusters of Indebted Renters Unidentified

“We’ve got to bring some pressure on the government to assist these people, because they seem to have been forgotten,”

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Promises Made, Unkept: Lanz Priestley on Martin Place Tent City Three Years On

The Martin Place Tent City was shut down on the proviso that authorities provide a safe space for the homeless. But the situation remains the same three years on.

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The Offence of Robbery While Armed or In Company in New South Wales

Three men entered a licensed premises in Villawood earlier this week armed with machetes and a sawn-off shotgun, demanding money.

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Assault Offences in New South Wales

Five men allegedly assaulted a 71-year old man on a Sydney street, causing a broken jaw, facial fractures and a dislocated shoulder.

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NSW Police Officer Loses Appeal Against Conviction for Sexual Touching

A NSW police sergeant who was found guilty of sexual touching has lost his appeal.

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Dutton Confirms Spying on Citizens, as Morrison Expands Police Cyber Powers

As the PM further expands surveillance powers, the home affairs minister remains unapologetic about spying on Australian citizens.

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