Sydney Criminal Lawyers® Weekly Rundown – Articles from 13 to 19 July 2020

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Sydney Criminal Lawyers®

In case you’ve missed any of them, here’s a rundown of the past week’s articles:

The Rules of The Children’s Court in NSW

A 14-year old girl is facing Tamworth Children’s Court for allegedly killing her 10-year old cousin.

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Complainant’s History of False Sexual Assault Allegations is Inadmissible

The NSW Court of Criminal Appeal ruled that a jury in a sexual assault trial could not be told about a complainant’s history of making false sexual assault complaints against others.

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Gambling Venues Fined for Giving Punters Free Alcohol

Two Woolworths-owned hotels have been fined and ordered to turn off their pokies for two weeks after giving gamblers free drinks.

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Upholding the Rights of People Who Use Drugs Post-COVID

A report has been published explaining the benefits of treating those who choose to use prohibited drugs as members of our community, rather than as criminals.

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Complainant’s History of False Sexual Assault Allegations is Inadmissible, Court Rules

Under the tendency rule, juries can be told about similar complaints previously made about a defendant, as well as similar convictions.
But a court has ruled that juries cannot be told about false sexual assault complaints previously made by an alleged victim, even if there were 12 of them.

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Australia Resumes Deporting Kiwis

Many Kiwis scheduled for deportation have no real ties to their country of birth; having been here most of their lives, raised families, built careers and paid taxes.

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Krispy Kreme Doughnut Giveaway Slammed by Police

The doughnut chain is under investigation over potential breaches of COVID restrictions, after a giveaway led to long queues and traffic jams.

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Magistrate Charged with Perverting the Course of Justice

A South Australian magistrate has resigned after being charged with attempting to pervert the course of justice.

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Can I Pay With Large Numbers of Coins in Australia?

Unhappy about getting a fine? These three men sought to make it as hard as possible for the government to collect money.

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As the Inquest Concludes, Tane Chatfield’s Parents Declare the “Prison System Killed” Him

“This is my son, Tane… He was murdered at the hands of Correctional Services officers at Tamworth.”

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“Defacing” the Governor Macquarie Statue: An Interview With Activist Stephen Langford

The activist was arrested, strip searched, refused bail and detained for 20 hours, for pasting a sign with governor Macquarie’s own appalling words using water soluble glue.

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If Immigration Detainees Aren’t Released, a COVID Outbreak Seems Imminent

A number of infection incidents at places of immigration detention increase the danger to detainees.

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End Immigration Detention Violence: An Interview With Refugee Activist Emma Comley

Immigration detainees are routinely being subjected to excessive force by guards in Australian detention centres.

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First Nations Rainbow Condemns Police Violence: An Interview With Co-Chair Ricky Macourt

Activist groups have released a statement condemning the police violence that followed Sydney’s Black Lives Matter protest.

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