Sydney Criminal Lawyers® Weekly Rundown – Articles from 8 to 14 June 2020

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Sydney Criminal Lawyers®

In case you’ve missed any of them, here’s a rundown of the past week’s articles:

The Law, Penalties and Defences for Sexual Intercourse Without Consent

The Queen’s son is refuting claims that he sexually abused teenage girls.

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A United NSW Demands an End to First Nations Custody Deaths and Police Brutality

The Stop All Black Deaths in Custody rally went ahead in Sydney with an enormous turnout, despite the efforts of the NSW Police Force to have it banned.

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The Offence of Dangerous Driving in New South Wales

A 14-year old boy is facing a string of charges after allegedly causing the death of four teenage passengers when he crashed a stolen car into a light pole.

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Can’t Help Themselves: An Eyewitness Account of Police Brutality After the Black Lives Matter Rally

Once Sydney’s lawful, peaceful protest against police brutality had ended, officers took it upon themselves to pepper spray young attendees, including a 14-year old girl.

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The Law, Penalties and Defences for Contaminating Goods in Australia

An Australian distillery has issued a product recall after its gin bottles were found to contain hand sanitiser, leaving at least one customer feeling sick.

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Facebook Administrators Are Liable for Defamatory Comments Posted By Users

The NSW Supreme Court found that owners of Facebook pages can be liable for defamatory comments posted by users.

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People Power Can Halt Gas Expansion: An Interview With Stop CSG Sydney’s Pip Hinman

The Berejiklian government has rejected a law that would have placed a moratorium on coal seam gas expansion.

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What is the Law on Defamation in NSW?

A rundown of the law on defamation in NSW, including what needs to be established and the defences available.

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Owners of Facebook Pages Can be Liable for Defamatory Posts by Others

The NSW Court of Appeal found that administrators of social media pages can be considered the ‘publishers’ of comments posted by others.

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The Inherent Racism of Australian Police: An Interview With Policing Academic Amanda Porter

“Everyone was quick to call out racism in America, but were either ignorant or blind to history and current experience on our own doorstep.

Australian police forces were similarly founded on violence: racist violence, imperial violence and settler colonial violence”.

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NSW Drug Driving Laws Are Unfair and Do Not Deter

A person can be found guilty of drug driving over the presence of minute traces, even days after the effects of the drug have worn off.

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Black Lives Matter at Long Bay Prison: Justice Action’s Brett Collins on the Prison Crackdown

Inmates holding a Black Lives Matter protest at Long Bay Correctional Centre were met with extreme force.

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New Laws Against Police Brutality Introduced In the US

The laws would ban choke holds, make it easier to prosecute police who engage in brutality and seek to ensure that deadly force can only be used as a last resort.

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Why the NSW Court of Appeal Declared the Protest to Be Legal

The NSW Police Commissioner tried to criminalise the 50,000 strong rally, but the NSW Court of Appeal decided otherwise.

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What is the Cannabis Cautioning Scheme in New South Wales?

A new study has found that police are far more likely to pursue Indigenous people found with cannabis through the courts, rather than give them a cannabis caution.

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The Offence of Publicly Threatening or Inciting Violence in NSW

In the lead-up to the Cronulla riots, broadcaster Alan Jones encouraged violence against people of “Middle Eastern descent” and bragged about it, stating “I’m the person that’s led this charge here.”

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