Sydney Criminal Lawyers® Weekly Rundown – Articles from 14 to 20 September 2020

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Sydney Criminal Lawyers®

In case you’ve missed any of them, here’s a rundown of the past week’s articles:

When Can Police Search You Without a Warrant in NSW?

A summary of the rules relating to warrantless searches, and the do’s and don’ts.

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NSW Police to Crackdown on House Parties

Police are now empowered to fine anyone who attends a household where there are more than 20 people, not just the occupier.

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Australian Police Officers Continue Signalling Their White Supremacist Allegiance

A Queensland police officer is under internal investigation after images emerged of him wearing a patch that has evolved to symbolise white supremacist ideology.

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Victoria Police Ramps Up Offensive Against Protests

Disturbing footage of masses of heavily-armed police officers descending on masked protesters who are chanting ‘freedom’ and ‘love and peace’ raises concerns that Victoria has degenerated into a police state.

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Victoria Police Brutalise Citizens by Cover of COVID

Victorian police officers are routinely using excessive force against members of the public, often over relatively minor allegations.

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Millions in Misconduct Payments: Shoebridge on the Paramilitary NSW Police Force

NSW taxpayers paid over $24 million last financial year due to misconduct by the state’s police officers.

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The Law, Defences and Penalties for Carjacking in New South Wales

A woman was allegedly forced to surrender her car at knifepoint in Griffith earlier this week.

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Police Slam Man’s Head into Counter then Charge Him with Assault

A man who suffered a brain injury after officers slammed his head into a counter before charging him with assaulting police has been acquitted.

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The Law, Defences and Penalties for Stealing from a Person in NSW

A man stole $100 from a wheelchair-bound cerebral palsy sufferer who had just withdrawn his disability pension.

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Government Ignores Revered Report on Reducing First Nations Incarceration

The government has ignored recommendations for reducing First Nations incarceration contained in the report it commissioned.

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Don’t Bring the Drug Dogs Back: An Interview With Sniff Off’s Xiaoran Shi

“The bottom line remains that the drug dog program is ineffective, invasive and a waste of public money”.

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NSW Police Bust Up Legal Campus Protests: An Interview With Student Activist Kelton Muir

The NSW riot squad was sent in to break up physically distanced protests involving less than 20 people at Sydney University.

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Journalists Can’t Be Forced to Reveal Their Sources, or Can They?

There are laws in place which offer limited protections to journalists and their sources.

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Can I Secretly Record a Conversation in New South Wales?

A former NSW detective has lost an appeal against his conviction for secretly recording a person of interest without their permission or a surveillance device warrant.

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