Sydney Criminal Lawyers® Weekly Rundown – Articles from 24 to 30 August 2020

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Sydney Criminal Lawyers®

In case you’ve missed any of them, here’s a rundown of the past week’s articles:

The Law, Defences and Penalties for Murder in New South Wales

A man has died and another is in critical condition after a double stabbing in Merrylands overnight.

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History Will Condemn the Heartless Morrison Regime

Morrison’s government has been signified by the systematic erosion of freedoms and legal safeguards, suppression of dissent, desecration of the environment to appease big business, continued mass incarceration of First Nations people and long-term detention of refugees, laws enabling discrimination against ‘non-believers’, Robodebt; the list goes on.

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The Offences of Reckless Wounding and Intentional Wounding in NSW

It has been reported that a 36-year old man was stabbed in the head during a fight at a home in Sydney’s greater western suburbs last night.

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The Law, Defences and Penalties for Perverting the Course of Justice in NSW

A 65-year old man has been charged with attempting to pervert the course of justice after allegedly pressuring another man to change his statement to police.

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International Travel During COVID: The Haves Versus the Have Nots

A Sydney millionaire connected with the Morrison government was given permission to leave Australia to pick up his luxury yacht, and is now sailing the Greek Islands.

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State of Emergency Powers and COVID-19

State of emergency powers are limited to 6 months to ensure a democracy does not become an authoritarian state, but the Victorian premier wants to extend them for 12 months despite the decline in COVID cases.

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White Australia Continues to Hijack Television News, Report Finds

A new report has found that TV news overwhelmingly continues to be formulated, directed and presented from an Anglo-Celtic perspective.

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Facebook Censorship: Silencing Anarchist and Anti-Fascist Groups

Facebook continues to appease Donald Trump and the right-wing by removing over 1000 left-wing groups and pages from its platform.

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Dutton is Hell Bent on Punishing and Silencing Detainees

The home affairs minister is set on taking away the mobile phones of detainees, thereby preventing them from posting about their plight or contacting loved-ones.

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Australia’s Move Towards Authoritarianism Under the Guise of Public Health

Laws have been enacted across Australia which give authorities unprecedented powers, including a new law in South Australia which empowers police to enter homes and forcibly remove children.

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“Protecting the Political Space”: An Interview With MALS Melbourne Activist Legal Support

“[W]hen we’ve given police powers so openly and freely like we have now… it’s hard to roll them back later.”
“We’re concerned that the right to protest, and the freedoms we had before to go out on to the streets to have a rally and march might be closed down post-COVID.”

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Ruby Princess: No Accountability Despite Catastrophic Errors

The Special Commission found NSW Health made “inexplicable” and “inexcusable” errors which had catastrophic consequences, yet no one has been suspended or otherwise disciplined, let alone criminally prosecuted.

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Asylum Seeker: An Interview With the King of South Sudanese Music Gordon Koang

South Sudanese singer Gordon Koang is using his experience of fleeing the nation’s civil war to inform people about the plight of refugees through his music.

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Twin Dies After Delay in Border Exemption

It has been reported that an unborn twin died after an expectant mother in Northern NSW in need of emergency surgery was not able to obtain an exemption to a nearby Queensland hospital, and had to wait 16 hours before being flown to Sydney.

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Prosecution Must Put Its Case ‘Fully and Fairly’, High Court Rules

The highest court in the land has ruled that the prosecution must tender both the defendant’s incriminatory and exculpatory statements.

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Public Service Employee Told to Shut Up or Ship Out

A public servant was directed to remove a general article because it could damage the relationship between government and big tech.

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Billionaires Clean Up Under COVID-19, As the Rest of the Planet Suffers

While millions have lost their jobs during COVID-19, it seems the ultra-rich are taking advantage of the situation.

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Aboriginal People Twice As Likely to be Sentenced to Imprisonment, Study Finds

A new study has found that Aboriginal people are twice as likely as non-Aboriginal people to receive a prison sentence.

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‘Lockdown Fatigue’ Leads to Clashes Between Residents and Police

A group of residents has vowed to continue walking at the same time, while observing physical distancing.

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Berejiklian Considers Uranium Extraction, as Any Dirty Power Will Do

The premier is considering lifting our state’s ban on uranium mining, despite the source’s potential dangers and the fact it is not viable locally.

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