Sydney Criminal Lawyers® Weekly Rundown – Articles from 23 to 29 November 2020

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Sydney Criminal Lawyers®

In case you’ve missed any of them, here’s a rundown of the past week’s articles:

The Law and Penalties for Drug Importation in Australia

The ‘Queen of Richmond’ has been sentenced to 18 years in prison for importing heroin.

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Man Acquitted of Murder Due to Evidence of Police Stitch-Up

A WA man who spent over a decade behind bars has been acquitted after evidence emerged that police planted key pieces of evidence.

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New Laws Relating to Offences Against Pregnant Women in NSW

The new laws would increase the penalties for crimes where a foetus is destroyed.

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Berejiklian Digs in Her Heels on Eliminating the Koala, As Greens Kill the Nats Bill

The NSW Premier looks set to roll back a policy designed to protect the Australian icon.

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Australian Soldiers Unlawfully Killed Civilians and Covered it Up

“As a former member of the Australian defence force, I am absolutely appalled by the revelations of at least 39 unlawful killings by ADF personnel.”

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British Man Pleads Guilty to Nearly 100 Child Sexual Offences

The 36-year old pleaded guilty to 96 sexual offences against 51 British, American and Australian boys.

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Lawyer Mark Davis on the Brereton Report, McBride and Assange

Those who expose atrocities are criminally prosecuted, while those who commit them are rarely brought to justice.

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COVID Restrictions Are Legal, Australian Courts Rule

Recent court decisions are raising questions about the level of government control in Australia.

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NSW Government Wants “Retrograde” HIV Testing Laws: An Interview With ACON’s Brent Mackie

Premier Berejikilian is pushing for mandatory disease testing laws that have no scientific basis, in order to appease the NSW Police Association.

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The White Australia Policy Part 1: Constructing Fortress Australia

“This country shall remain forever the home of the descendants of… [the] British race,” promised Australian PM John Curtin.

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The White Australia Policy Part 2: The Legacy

Beliefs that underpin the White Australia Policy continue to shape our approach towards refugees and other noncitizens.

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Victoria Extends Social Security For Young People in Out-of-Home Care

All young people in out-of-home care will receive government support until the age of 21.

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The Hypocrisy of Australian Politicians Condemning Crime and Corruption

Our politicians condemn alleged war crimes and corruption while enabling the prosecution of those who expose it.

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Former Journalist Charged with Terrorism Offences

Police say they’ve prevented a terrorist attack in Bundaberg, Queensland.

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