Sydney Criminal Lawyers® Weekly Rundown – Articles from 1 to 7 July 2019

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Sydney Criminal Lawyers®

In case you’ve missed any of them, here’s a rundown of the past week’s articles:

The Offence of Police Pursuit in New South Wales

A man is facing court after allegedly ramming a police car and injuring officers during a pursuit on the Central Coast.

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Press Stands United Against Authoritarianism

Media bosses have vowed to continue their fight against laws which criminalise whistleblowers and journalists for reporting in the public interest.

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Centrelink’s Flawed Robo-Debt System is Killing Our Most Vulnerable

The aggressive enforcement of debt notices issued in error is pushing many vulnerable Australians beyond breaking point.

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‘One Punch Laws’ – The Offence of Assault Causing Death in NSW

A man has been found not guilty of a one-punch attack that caused the death of another during a drunken brawl.

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Sydney Man Awarded Damages for Illegal Strip Search

A man who was illegally strip searched by police has been awarded over $100,000 for deprivation of liberty, injury and humiliation.

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Lockout Laws Don’t Reduce Alcohol Consumption

Studies have found that lockout laws do not reduce the amount of alcohol people consume, and merely shift violent crime to the home and other areas.

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The Return of Dutton: Enhanced Domestic Surveilling and Attacks on Minorities

The Home Affairs Minister is pushing for more encroachments on civil liberties.

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Stop the City to Stop Adani: An Interview With NUS’ Lily Campbell

Our youth are continuing the fight to protect their future against environmental destruction and climate change, despite politicians approving the Adani mine.

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The Offence of Sexual Intercourse With Young Person Under Special Care

The age of consent in our state is 16 years, or is it?

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It’s High Time to Decriminalise Drugs

“[I]t’s inevitable that all drugs will be decriminalised in NSW.”

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Section 32 Mental Health Applications in New South Wales

A man who tore down Tony Abbott election posters, threatened to stab his campaigners and called them ‘paedophile supporters’ has sought to have his case dismissed on mental health grounds.

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A Voice for Progressive Reform: An Interview With Labor MLC Rose Jackson

Progressive MLC Rose Jackson is pushing for the legalisation of abortion, recreational cannabis possession and pill testing.

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Morrison Moves to Silence Trade Unions

The legislation “goes further than any other western democracy in interfering in democratic workers’ organisations”.

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Taking to the Streets in Protest? Know Your Rights Beforehand

“When injustice becomes law, resistance becomes a duty”

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