Sydney Criminal Lawyers® Weekly Rundown – Articles from 23 to 29 December 2019

In case you’ve missed any of them, here’s a rundown of the past week’s articles:
“The Liar From the Shire”: Thousands March Demanding Action from Morrison
Thousands have marched across the Harbour Bridge calling on our absent prime minister to get his priorities right.
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Morrison Intensifies Campaign to Silence Australians
We’re counting down our ten most engaging blogs of 2019.
Number 9:
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The Law, Defences and Penalties for Drug Supply in New South Wales
A young woman is facing court after a strip search allegedly found her to be concealing 800 ecstasy tablets in her bra and a further 200 internally.
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From One Prison to Another: Medevac Detainees Face Uncertain Future
Those brought to Australia for treatment have been trapped for months in crowded hotel rooms.
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Reducing Suicide Over the Holiday Period: Look After Your Mates
Christmas can be a lonely time for many.
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Drivers Warned They Face Fines for Dirty Cars
Police are warning that drivers face fines for not cleaning their number plates and windscreens.
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There’s a Deafening Silence on the Current ‘Debt and Deficit Crisis’
We’re counting down our ten most engaging blogs of 2019.
Number 8:
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Google to Pay Nearly Half a Billion Dollars in Australian Tax
The tech giant has agreed to pay $481.5 million to the ATO in back taxes.
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What Happens in Prison on Christmas Day?
Prison can be a lonely place on Christmas Day, but staff do their best to bring some Xmas cheer.
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Free Julian Assange Before It’s Too Late!
Hundreds of thousands have signed a petition to stop Julian Assange from being extradited to the United States.
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The Santa Claus Bank Heist
Not all Santas have good intentions.
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Police Should Test for Impairment Levels of Drugs, Not Minute Traces
We’re counting down our ten most engaging blogs of 2019.
Number 7:
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Donate to the Black Ops Firefighters: Unofficial Grassroots Defenders
Brave groups of volunteers have been invaluable in fighting the fires that have been raging across our nation.
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Butt Tossers Face Heavy Fines and Demerit Points
The NSW government has introduced tougher penalties for those who throw cigarette butts from car windows.
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Dozens of Breaches of the My Health Record Database Have Already Been Recorded
We’re counting down our ten most engaging blogs of 2019.
Number 6:
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The Carey Defence: Temporary Drug Possession Doesn’t Amount to Supply
Temporarily holding drugs for the owner with the intention of returning them does not amount to drug supply.
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Straight Talking Cannabis: An Interview With LoudCloudHealth’s Bojana Petkovic
LoudCloudHeath provides a wealth of useful information and seeks to dispel myths about medicinal cannabis.
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Morrison’s Victory and What the Nation Has Agreed To
We’re counting down our ten most engaging blogs of 2019.
Number 5:
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Should the Age of Criminal Responsibility in Australia be Raised?
The AMA and Law Council of Australia have called for the age of criminal responsibility to be raise from 10 to 14.
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The Injustice in Chile Continues: An Interview With Pinochet-Era Activist Paula Sanchez
The life-long activist is one of many Chilean Australians calling for justice in their homeland.
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Bum-Pinching Isn’t Indecent by Today’s Standards
We’re counting down our ten most engaging blogs of 2019.
Number 4:
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How Does the NSW Demerit Point Suspension Scheme Work?
Here’s how the demerit point suspension scheme works in our state.
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Police Abuse Powers at Kirribilli: An Interview With Greens MLC David Shoebridge
NSW Police prohibited a group from peacefully protesting outside the prime minister’s residence.
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Scott Morrison: The Dumbing Down of Kirribilli
We’re counting down our ten most engaging blogs of 2019.
Number 3:
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Indonesia Pressures Foreign Teachers to Take ‘Gay Test’
Indonesia is pressuring foreign teachers to take a test to determine whether they have ‘abnormal’ sexual desires.
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If you are going to court for a criminal or traffic case, call us anytime on (02) 9261 8881 to arrange a free first conference with an experienced criminal lawyer at Parramatta, the Sydney CBD, Liverpool, Penrith, Bankstown, Chatswood, Wollongong or Newcastle.