Sydney Criminal Lawyers® Weekly Rundown – Articles from 12 to 18 August 2019

In case you’ve missed any of them, here’s a rundown of the past week’s articles:
Domestic Violence – How Many More Rhonda Bakers Have to Die?
The harrowing story of Rhonda Baker is an all-too familiar one.
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Transgender Woman Complains Against Beauticians Who Refused to Wax Her Crotch
A transgender woman who is awaiting reassignment surgery has filed complaints against beauticians for refusing to wax her genital area.
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Sydney Man Sentenced to 28 Years for Murdering His Girlfriend
“This was a sickening, violent attack on a defenceless woman much smaller than the offender”.
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“Shoot Me in The F***ing Head”: Knife Attack in Sydney CBD
A man is in custody after allegedly stabbing a woman in Sydney’s CBD this afternoon.
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Decriminalised: The NSW Laws Governing Sex Work
Our state’s framework for decriminalising sex work has been recognised as best practice worldwide.
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Djab Wurrung “Stand Tall” in the Face of Neo-Colonisation
Police have served an eviction notice upon First Nations people who are protesting against the destruction of their sacred lands.
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Drug Arrests and Seizures Do Not Deter Drug Suppliers or Reduce Consumption
ACIC’s report suggests that while drug seizures are at an all-time high, consumption and criminal networks continue to grow.
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“People of Faith Aren’t Being Discriminated Against”: An Interview With Father Rod Bower
The Father dispels claims that Christians are victims of discrimination and calls for the end of laws which allow them to discriminate against the vulnerable and marginalised.
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Thinking of Getting a Digital Assistant Device? Think Again
ACCC Chairman Rod Sims made clear “there’s no way in the world I would have Google Home or the equivalents in my home”.
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NSW Police Strip Search Activists to Intimidate: An Interview With Socialist Alliance’s Rachel Evans
“[A]n officer grabbed me. Another one grabbed Susan. And they threw us into a paddy wagon… I had no idea that it was going to be a full body strip down.”
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Nonviolent Civil Disobedience: The Gandhian Influence on Climate Activists
“Violence cannot achieve half of what nonviolence… can achieve,”
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Domestic Violence: A Red Flag for Other Violent Offending
A BOCSAR study found that domestic violence offenders disproportionately commit murders outside the home.
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“Fair Go”: Morrison Moves to Bust Unions to the Detriment of All Workers
The trade union movement has benefited all working Australians, but the government is intent on winding back the clock.
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#MeToo: Male Model Accuses Katy Perry of Sexual Misconduct
“[O]ur culture is set on proving men of power are perverse. But females with power are just as disgusting”.
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If you are going to court for a criminal or traffic case, call us anytime on (02) 9261 8881 to arrange a free first conference with an experienced criminal lawyer at Parramatta, the Sydney CBD, Liverpool, Penrith, Bankstown, Chatswood, Wollongong or Newcastle.